The Evolution of Eli's Tantrums
Mind you, we have a lot of pictures of our precious Elias in various stages of tantruming, but we didn't get this particular camera until he was about 15 months old, so they're all of that age or later.
And although we don't have a picture of it, probably one of the most telling indications that we would have a tantrumer on our hand would be the words of one of the caregivers in the orphanage when Eli was only 9 months old:
"You have to make sure his bottle is exactly at 8 ounces. If it is under 8 ounces or over 8 ounces he will scream and cry. It has to be exactly 8 ounces or he will throw it down and not take it."
Oh, you were right, sweet lady. You were right.
So, I leave you with...... "The Evolution of Eli's Tantrums"
Yes.. that's what we thought, too.......
Oh, and how sweet he was with his brother - playing so nicely. People would always comment on it.
You'd never guess that the sweet baby brother left a scar on his older brother's back in the shape of 20 odd teeth would you?
Look, here they are again.... playing nicely. Unfortunately, I didn't get the picture of Eli actually hijaking Noah's sit-and-spin while he was playing with it.
Would you lookey there? That looks like an empty bottle. And while I don't have a picture to show you the aftermath of that bottle being empty, the memories are still fresh and alive in my brain. Oh, yes. A classic tell-tale sign that something emotional is brewing underneath. Hitting his head with his hand... looks so innocent. It's not. This particular picture shows the start of a major tantrum over not finding enough Easter eggs in the backyard... even though he managed to get every single one because Noah wasn't interested.
Yep, here's another sign that trouble's brewing. The classic lay down in the floor and glare at you sign. Such a familiar sight - that these tantrums all run together. I can't even recall this particular one.
"I want to go in the rain! I must go in the rain! I want to! I want to! I waannnnnnnnt to!!! Pease, pease, pease??? Come on, let's go! Come on!!!'
Then.... sobbing...
"It's raiiiiiiiiiiiing! I'm wet. Pick me up, Daddy. Pick me up!! Waaaahhhhh! I don't wike the wain! (sob, sob). I'm all wet!!!! WAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Here's another one. It's come with a tip. If you don't think you're going to like the feel of a bag of flour poured on your head... don't do it. Simple as that. Don't be a stinker and dump it all over yourself with glee and then get all mad at Mommy when you realize it got ya dirty.
But don't worry. We don't let him get away with it. If you stop by our house at any given time of the day, you might find the scenario displayed in the above picture. As Nandini puts it, "Time-Out Eli!!! Time-Out!!!"
But here.... here is the doozy of all tantrums. So much that I broke out the camera and took a jillion pictures because I was shaking my head in disbelief over the ONE HOUR AND 45 MINUTE tantrum that ensued. Don't worry. I didn't put ALL the pictures up....
As you can see, Eli is shoving away his plate of food without even trying a bite. He is refusing to even touch it. Not even a single bite. Nope. We put the plate in front of him and he defiantly pushes it way.
Let the tantrum begin....
Here he is crying out for me to save him... but obviously I'm too busy with my face stuck in the camera to actually offer any help. It's one bite, dude. Just take the bite!!
He reaches out for Sim to pick him up... still refusing to even taste the dinner.
Oops, that didn't work. So he decides to just slap at Simeon instead. I think it's been going on for about an hour by this point.
No, I will not take a bite and you can't make me!! What's wrong with you people. Just leave me alone!! Can't you see I don't want it? Why don't you eat it??? Just go away, go away, go away!!!!
And after nearly 2 hours of refusing to touch his dinner, he falls asleep - exhausted - at the table.
Yep, so there you have it. You think you've got it bad??? Just consider this my Friday gift to you. Go into the weekend refreshed and renewed in knowing that you're not alone... that somewhere in Texas there is a little tiny boy who is, most likely, tantruming at this very moment.
You still have to tell us the story of your wedding day. I want to hear both your side and Sim's side. How about dinner at my house this week? Maybe we can video you guys telling the story and post it on your blog :)