What on Earth???

Okay, so a few weeks ago I posted about how little fairies snuck into my room at night and abracadabra'ed me into a neat freak. Then, right after Christmas, I woke up with a wild hair up my you-know-what and announced to the family that we were getting rid of the TV. And this was a week before the newest season of The Biggest Loser came on - so I know that I was not acting of my own accord. Well... those fairies must've been at it again and came and sprinkled magic fairie dust on me or something because about a week ago I went to bed as Leslie and woke up as Martha Stewart. Or Rachael Ray. Or Betty Crocker. Maybe even June Cleaver. All I know, is that the baking-cooking-let's-turn-these-old-milk-cartons-into-pretty-little-bird-houses woman that has since taken over my body has not been me.

I woke up with the wonderful idea of "Let's not buy store-bought bread for a whole year. Let's make it!!!" And since then, I've made 3 loaves of bread. One good, one deflated, and one that went directly into the compost heap. I've also gotten up at 5:00 in the morning (twice) to make banana muffins. I stayed up until 11:30 making banana-chocolate chip muffins. I made the most delicious scones in the entire world (look out Simeon's mom) and smeared 1/2 a pound of butter on them. I then nearly gave us a heart attack with Rachael Ray's rendition of Sticky Toffee Pudding (cake), which called for 3 cups of heavy cream, 3 cups of sugar, 3 cups of flour, and 3 sticks of butter. But, boy was is it gooooooooooooooooood. We just polished it up a few days ago. I made belgian waffles with extras in the freezer - and sat on the back porch step - while the kids played - and peeled 5 lbs of potatoes - then chopped, diced, and sliced them into individual baggies and froze them... only later to realize that you cannot freeze raw potatoes. Tonight, I'm attempting glamorgan sausages. What on earth............???

So, let me explain. I am NOT a cook. I should be... I'm descended from a long line of traditional Southern women who make buttermilk biscuits from scratch and who go out and wring a chicken's neck, pluck it, and have it on the table by 6:00. Me??? Not like that. Not by a mile. For years, my speciality has been boxed macaroni and cheese with a thing of Rotel thrown in for good measure. And if I was feeling especially saucy, I might toss in a few frozen corn kernels. Winning the blue ribbon at the county fair? Not gonna happen.

So I have no idea what's happening to me. Maybe it's because we don't have the TV anymore and I've got all this time on my hands. Do you think that's it? Shouldn't I be reading? Or, heaven forbid, exercising? Not making full-fat recipes that are going to drive Noah to the deep end. And the funny thing is that my family is SO not used to sweets that no one is eating my muffins. Except for me and Sim. The only two people in the house who were raised on baked goods. (Although if you throw some store-bought powdered donuts at them, my kids will inhale them like oxygen - as evidenced at Life Group last night.)

Anyway, all I know is that something funky is going on. Maybe my need to bake will turn into my need to cook and I'll focus on making dinner instead of breakfast. Although, they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm not sure they had banana-chocolate muffins in mind when they came up with that, though. Maybe my attention will turn to something else. I have a strong desire to learn to knit (what is happening to me??), sew (I made a 'D' in Home Ec), and now have the overwhelming urge to make a bunch of felt play food for the kids. Aaaaaargggghh. If only I had the same desire to do push-ups and crunches. Why doesn't it ever turn out that way?

Well, the kids are up and I've promised them that we'd pop popcorn today and string it up between the trees for the blue-jays. Can you believe they're out? And we had two woodpeckers yesterday, too. And the squirrels are eating the corn we put out. I even saw a bunch of ducks in the lake. Hmmmm.... I wonder if they'd like my muffins?



Anonymous said…
Hey Leslie- that's so funny- I'm right there with you! I started baking my own bread back in October and actually bought myself a steamer and a rice cooker for Christmas. Now, when I come home from work I actually go straight into the kitchen and start cooking lunch for Peter and myself to take to work!!! I don't quite recognize myself either, but hey, it's healthy at least!!! (I agree, my butt would benefit more from exercising as well!!! Oh well, some things just never change!) Oh, and would you want to start reading, I can recommend: "The Kiterunner" and "A thousand splendid suns", both from Khaled Hosseini. Have a fabulous weekend! Cheers, Geri
C said…
YUP! It's in the air. I think part of it is just opening ourselves up to being homemakers ... the old fashioned way. More time, but more benefits.

I friggin taught myself how to darn socks last week!!!!!!!!
Amy said…
Ummm all I keep thinking is can you share some of those muffins with me? LOL I'm impressed girlfriend! And I was proud of myself for 'planning' to plant a garden this year and figuring out what a compost pile is. :0) Amy

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