Locks of Love

Soooooooooooo... guess which member of our household just donated their hair to Locks of Love?

Hmmmm.... can't figure it out?

Can't understand how it's possible since none of us have hair long enough to donate?

Well, let me give you a hint:

Oh, was that not a big enough hint? How about this one, then?

Hey, why not give just one more for good measure. (oooh, helloooo stud!)

Yep, that's my Sim - back in the Grunge Days. Well, actually, I don't think the whole slacker/grunge period was as big in England as it was in the States - so, technically, you could just say we were pretty sloppy back then. Although, I am typing this wearing a lightweight 1970's painter's shirt with embroidered doves and owls on it that I got at a thrift store back in '93... so maybe the whole sloppy thing is still happening over in GBC. We're bringing the sloppy back, baby!

Anyway, if any of you ever thought that I was a major pack rat... then, honey, you ain't seen nothing until you've witnessed my parents try to pack up a house that they've lived in since 1987. And, apparently, my mom has a fetish for old ponytails that used to be attached to loved ones heads (ewww... I didn't realize how gross that sounded until I reread it. Oh well). Anyway, my mom has, over the years, amassed quite a collection of ponytails that she now has to decide whether she wants to pack up and save or throw in the dumpster. Apparently, Sim's ponytail doesn't hold as much sentimental value as my old ones, and she called us up and asked if we wanted to donate it to Locks of Love.

Yeah! Absolutely!

I have always wanted to grow my hair out for Locks of Love, but I just don't have the patience. Also, as you can see from the pictures... homegirl don't rock the short hair look, does she? So, no, I won't be cutting my hair above the ears for a looooooong time. Fortunately, however, my husband's hair can be donated. Isn't that cool??

And I don't think any of us will be in the position to grow our hair out - that long - again.

Although Sim did give it one more try in 2005:

And then he decided that he couldn't stand the upkeep.

So. How many of you can say that your husbands donated their ponytail to Locks of Love? :-)



Amy said…
Oh you guys are too cool! Man, my husband is about bald- no luck with him donating! LOL But, my daughter Addisyn did donate her long, beautiful blond hair about 4 years ago and was awesome. (I cried!) Such a sap I know! Anyway- loved the pictures! ;0) Amy
Buddy said…
Wow...that was some doo! Pretty hip!

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