The Three P's...

Pee, Poop, and Potty.

I had no idea how much space those three occupied in my little brain until I sat down and tried to decide on my goals for 2008.

And they all begin with P.

What a change from New Year goals from the past. 10 years ago... heck, even 5 years ago.. maybe even 3 years ago... my goals were much different. Now, however, they all have to do with elimination, excrement, and making it into the sparkling white throne that sits next to our bathtub.

Oh, who am I kidding? There's nothing sparkling about it all.

So, first up is Noah. Now, there is a very legitimate reason as to why he's not potty-trained. We're not only dealing with autism, but cerebral palsy, as well - so there are a few factors playing into it. Plus, he is the only one of my kids who can't stand to be naked. Not to divulge too much information, but he absolutely can't stand the feel of his "bits" dangling against him. Hmmm... that's going to present a problem, isn't it? We have finally gotten him used to sitting on the pot - for, like, 2 seconds. That's it. And it is a killer trying to get a pull-up past his knees because everytime he's in the buff he just crosses his legs and you almost have to get a crowbar to separate them. On the brightside, however, he is actually requesting a pull-up each morning. He cries if we try to put a diaper on him - so that's really brilliant news. The bad news is that his skin has broken out all along his waistband because of those darn pull-ups. We had tried them ages ago - before he was really ready - and he had a reaction to the chlorine in them, but we were hoping it'd be better now. Nope. Not a chance. But there's more good news...

Seventh Generation has now come out with non-bleached pull-ups. Whoo hoo!!! I found out a few days ago and did a happy dance like you would not believe.

Noah's been wearing the diapers for years - and still wears one at night - and he's never had a reaction to them. So, hopefully when our order of pull-ups comes in then that terrible rash he has will go away. Anyway, if you order them through the monthly shipment thing at Amazon, you can get 4 packs for $33. It's not bad - it even out to be what you'd pay for the regular pull-ups (maybe even a tad bit cheaper) and it's safer for your kid's skin. Plus, FREE shipping. But you have to do the monthly order thing before the end of the month in order to get the discounted rate.

Okay, next up is Nandini. She is semi-potty trained. She stays dry through the night, but pees like a faucet during the day. If we set the timer for every 20 minutes and take her ourselves, we can be pretty sure she'll stay dry. But, like Noah, she has CP, too, and I really think it affects her ability to feel "the need" to go. Sometimes, she'll start peeing and run up to me and point to the potty - so I really think she can't discern when she needs to pee. As for poo - not a problem. She is completely poo-trained. Our big issue, though, is what I like to call "Revenge Pee". It goes something like this..

Nandini, LEAVE the dog alone. This is the 1,454,325th time I've told you to quit sitting on her.

Okay, Nandini. You're going in time-out. I have told you 1,454,326 times to leave Ginger alone.

(Nandini smirks at me and then proceeds to pee on the floor).

Or, it might go something like this...

Nandini, I know you want to me to hold you right now, but Noah's crying and Mommy really needs to hold Noah right now.

Nandini, Mommy will hold you in just a minute, okay. I really need to help Noah calm down.

(She then walks into Noah's room, yanks off all of his covers, stands up on his bed, and proceeds to pee all over his mattress).

It actually has gotten A LOT better, but there's something to be said for a child who can pee for revenge, but can't quite tell when she needs to pee just to pee. You know what I'm saying?

Then, there's Eli. Ah, Eli. Completely potty-trained by day, but turns into a geyser at night. Seriously, he has some sort of hidden "on" button that triggers around 3:30 every night - and then swoosh! It's like Old Faithful has hit our home. He does really well - has been in big boy underwear since he was 3, but night-time... it's a whole other story. My main goal for him is that he will somehow become magically night-time trained without any intervention on my part - 'cuz I hate having to get up every 2 hours to take a cranky, sleeping kid to the loo.

And there's the probably-never-gonna-happen-until-they-get-much-older-and-realize-that-they-don't-really-need-to-see-Momma-go-to-the-bathroom wish. Privacy, please. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, basically, my goals this year are to get all 3 kids fully potty-trained so that my house will stop smelling like pee and maybe we can stop polluting the landfills with all our used up diapers.
Oh, and maybe once - just once - be able to do my business in private.

Wow. All this pee and poop talk. I have such a potty mouth.



Dreama said…
OMG!!! I am literally laughing out loud, revenge pee, I love that!!
YOu are such a funny person! We missed you guys Sunday, but it looks like you've been wading through other things lately. Have a good and dry week???? LOL!!!

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