NOTE: If you came across this page by googling "Shirt Chewing", please click here for the most recent post on Noah's shirt chewing. Thanks! Sugar. Who knew that five little letters could wreck such havoc? As I've mentioned before, Noah has a terrible shirt chewing habit. I can't quite remember when it all started, but we all noticed that it STOPPED completely when we were in Austin. The only thing that was really different was his diet - since we were living out of a hotel for a week. When we got home, we racked our brains to figure out what it was.... what food triggered Noah' s shirt chewing. We were home about 2 days when Noah started chewing again. Agave Nectar. Sim had put agave nectar on Noah's waffles. We took the agave nectar out of his diet and the next day, the chewing decreased. A few days later, I gave him a peanut butter and jelly rice cake. He started shirt chewing. It had to have been the jelly.. which goes to show that just because it's
I know that I haven't been blogging much lately. I don't know... I think I've just lost interest in it. In the past, I could blog about mindless, frivolous drivel - like how Sim didn't know who Rick Springfield was or my letter to Michael Phelps or how I'll drive across Texas in order to find a bag of special edition Hershey kisses . I could write about things that were fun and lighthearted - but I just can't find that place inside me anymore. Now, I did nearly blog the other day about how I almost had a panic attack when I thought that L'Oreal discontinued my favorite lipstick, but it just seemed pointless and unimportant - especially when compared to the real stuff going on in my life. I don't know what to blog about anymore. I know that blogs are meant to be for the blogger only and that you should be able to blog about anything you want - but I can't help but recognize that blogging about RAD is alienating me from the people in my real life
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I can't believe it!!! I walked by him sitting at the table and kissed him on the head and said, "Have I told you this morning how much I love you?" And he said, "Iduvumum" Of course, I was stunned. And I said, "Noah, did you just say, "I love you mom? Yes or No?" And he said, "Esssss" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Of course I cried. And called Sim. And called my mom. And Noah was so pleased with himself that he took me by the hand and led me straight to the TV so that he could watch an Elmo video. I guess he thought, "Hey, I told you I love you, so now I get a freebie." This officially goes down in history as the best day of my life. (Doing carthwheels and happy dances and thanking Jesus). Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Noah's mama
Great Blog.. when i get a chance i will read more.. doreen