Noah Watching Anoop on AI's Top 11 Show

Wow! Did Anoop rock or what? He was fantastic!! Doesn't he have the most beautiful voice? I'm so glad he was able to showcase that tonight.

I think we recorded an awesome video of Noah watching Anoop tonight. If you've seen his other videos then you'll know exactly what I mean. He is so calm tonight. No shrieking or squealing or spinning in circles. Granted, he's chewing his shirt through the whole performance (his fifth shirt of the day)but he just seems so different tonight.

He's so calm and mesmerized. For most of it, he just sits there with Sim and watches - I mean, really watches - Anoop perform. It's just.. I don't know how to say it, but I'm sure any mom who has a child with autism will understand. Except for the shirt chewing, it just seems so normal.

And what a relief to see Noah watch a living, breathing human being perform... you know, instead of Barney or Elmo or a Baby Einstein puppet.

I'm just on cloud nine tonight. I know it might not make any sense to the rest of you, it's just that I feel... I don't know.. hopeful??? I know that's silly. But you just can't imagine some of the changes that are happening with him.

The best way to describe it is that it seems he's wanting to step out of his world - just a little bit - and kind of see what's in ours. For two minutes every Tuesday night, Noah comes into our world for just a bit. And I love it!

Like I said, it's silly, I know. And maybe you have to have a child with autism to understand.. And, who knows, next week Noah might not even give a flip when Anoop performs. But, tonight, it was kind of magical. For me, at least.


sarah bess said…
God bless Anoop!
Noah's a wonderful child.
Nikki said…
That's not silly at all! And he was SO good last night! Anoop (and Noah!) have become a bit of a celebrity in my house, haha, after me showing everyone Noah's video watching him! We all want him to win!!
Anonymous said…
Ok, that one made me cry! The period of time he just sat in Sim's lap and watched --- wow!!! God bless Noah :) Awesome video
J.Baker said…
Thank you for sharing that about Noah. You don't have to have a child with autism to hear the love in your words for him as you talk about the brief glimpses of change and the hope that it gives you. I'm so glad that God has given you this window with Noah.
Cindy said…
You are NOT silly! You have a precious child in Noah...and a beautiful family. Keep the faith Mama!

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