Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Last night was an exciting night in the O'Noah, O'Elias, and O'Nandini household. After reading The Night Before St. Patrick's Day and O'Sullivan Stew, we tucked them into their warm beds while visions of pots o' gold danced in their heads...

The trap was set
with caution and care
In hopes that a Leprechaun
soon would be there

The bait was gold coins
And a trail of Lucky Charms
With hopes that a Leprechaun
Would soon be in our arms

In the morning, however
We soon realized
That we had been tricked!
Right under our eyes

The chairs were upturned
And tied with string
Gone was the gold
And other shiny things

Wait! What's that?
Our cheering was loud
Could there be a leprechaun
Trapped under our cloud??

Those cheeky leprechauns! They tricked us!
They took our gold
And left gold chocolate in it's place
Well, Eli was sold!

Hey! Look here!
A giant leprechaun hat!
Could a leprechaun be hiding
Underneath THAT?

Aarrgh! Another trick
A Leprechaun toy
Mommy hates these things...
All the batteries and noise!

Would you look at that!
They left a surprise
The little green people WERE here
You know, leprechauns don't lie

Two more on the back door
So jolly and merry
I wish we'd seen a real one
They're not even scary!

Look! On the easel
A message before they left
"Ha! Ha! You can't fool us!"
We're quick and we're deft.

Farewell, O'Children
Never Fear
We'll certainly be back
Slan agat - see you next year!

Wait! There's more
The most amazing thing we've seen
Look closely, can you tell?
The milk has turned... GREEN!


P.S. If you want to make your own green milk, put a drop or two of green food coloring in the bottom of a glass. Let the kids see you pour the white milk straight from the carton and watch it turn green the minute it hits the glass.

Leprechaun magic!


sarah bess said…
You are an amazingly energetic mom!
Anonymous said…
So cute, O'Leslie!
sandwichinwi said…
Left chocolate in its place! I bet Mommy was sold! Where is the rest of that bag??????

Nandini does not look impressed by the green milk.

You are too funny! What a great mom!
Anonymous said…
Looks like Texas celebrates St Patrick's day more than those of us actually from the Emerald Green Isle!
Phyllis said…
That is SO CUTE!!
Phyllis & Kristen
C said…
PLEASE tell me someone got decked or bit ... otherwise, I'm seriously going to have to hate you (as I'm scrambling to make a cake for Presh, cause her birthday is TODAY and it's almost OVER!!)

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