Noah Watching Anoop and Mindless Rambling

Ah, Noah. You're so unpredictable, aren't you? One minute you're jumping up and down screaming (with joy) and the next minute you're running in circles around the couch. You're causing Mama to do a lot of editing.

I'm afraid none of the videos are ever going to match that first one. But we still know that you're Anoop's #1 fan.

The best part is when Noah goes nuts over Paula (???) and then stops, scratches his head, and walks away when she calls Anoop's performance "karaoke". It might not translate well on the video, but we were dying with laughter over here. I also kindly edited out Eli's little dance fest to Anoop's version of "Beat It". I'm sure I've already worn you out with his Irish jig that I posted over the weekend. lol

Those younger two... I tell ya. SUCH camera hogs.

Will try to write more tomorrow. It's been a long day. Nandi is now in a leg cast for the next 4 weeks. The Botox didn't work, so they're casting her and then will fit her for a brace later on. She also has to sleep in a knee immobilizer.

Nandi + Anything that immobilizes her = Many Sleepless Nights.

Sigh. And did I tell you that I gave up coffee? At the absolute worst moment. My head's gonna explode. And I'm trying to give up sugar, too. AND it's Girl Scout Cookie season. Someone please knock some sense into me. Help me realize the important things in life...

Samoas and Thin Mints.

Oh, and we have a new dog. A big 'ol Mastiff/Lab puppy. Well, he's about 6-9 months old. And we have to let him out all night to pee. It's like having a baby, I tell ya.

Sim found him wandering the parking lot of his work. All alone and looking up at him with those big brown eyes.

We're just a bunch of softies. Really. Somebody stop us.

Needless to say, I'm knackered.

Anyway, be sure to stay tuned for Noah's REALLY BIG NEWS... which involves a certain special someone (ANOOP!) sending him a personal message.

Oh, yeah. The one time I didn't have the video recorder on hand to catch his reaction. Love that Anoop. Such a sweetheart. I may have to start a Cougar Fan Club.


Sort of.

He's really sweet and made Noah's day. I'll try to write about it tomorrow. In the meantime, if you're reading this on Tuesday... get off my blog and VOTE FOR ANOOP. ;-)


sarah bess said…
aw, tomorrow?
sarah bess said…
that's funny how it was over for noah when his hero's integrity was questioned. Gotta love that boy's loyalty!
Lisa said…
Too cute! He was like, forget you Paula! LOL Poor Nandi, we will throw up a few extra prayers for her. I also had trouble passing up the girl scouts at all their little tables going in and out of walmart. Sigh.
sandwichinwi said…
I gave up coffee (and soda and alcohol!!!!) for Lent and I tell ya', the first 10 days I was in a fog! The headache wasn't bad--fairly mild for only one day, but I felt like I was swimming under water!

hang in there! You can do it!


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