Noah Watching Anoop on American Idol's Wildcard Show

Yay!!!!! Anoop made it to the Top 12 - er, I mean Top Thirteen(!) - on American Idol tonight.

For those of you who don't know, Noah is crazy about Anoop. I don't know what it is about him, but Noah loves to watch him sing. We videotaped Noah watching him sing a few weeks ago and Noah loves to watch it play on Youtube. And he looooves watching Youtube videos of Anoop performing with the UNC Clefhangers.

Seriously, when this guy puts out an album, don't you know I'll be the first one in line to buy 1 or 2 or 10 copies.

Anyway, we had our Church LifeGroup tonight and Kim was gracious enough to postpone it until American Idol was over. No hate emails about priorities, 'kay? ;-)

I brought my video camera to see if Noah would react when Anoop sang tonight and he did... a little bit. Granted, he was in a new environment in a room full of people.. and he totally knew I was taping him. He kept getting all camera shy when he would spot me. But I thought I'd play it for you guys anyway. It's not the best tape, but you get a minute's worth of looking at my gorgeous little boy. Can't beat that, can ya?

Oh! I almost forgot. Noah actually said Anoop. Can you believe it? Not on tape, but earlier in the day - and then during the show, Kim and I both swear that we heard him say it again.

I imagine that if I were Anoop Desai, I would be a little weirded out that some strange thirtysomething mother of three is writing about me and taping her son watching me on the TV and then putting it on her blog..... but you have to remember that I'm the mother of a child who has been silent for 6 years. A child who's voice was snuffed out at 15 months old. A child who has very little interest in anything. A little boy who is the light of my life and darn it, if he finds something that he loves, then I'm gonna love it, too.

And I'm gonna write about it.

And you're all probably going to get sick of hearing about it.

But you'll still love us, right?

So, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Not much to look at this time around, but it'll be interesting to see if Noah's reaction progresses as Anoop continues to sing each week.


sarah bess said…
Blog On! I'm excited for you. Dinosaurs or singers--whatever it takes. You're a great mom.
Anonymous said…
The video's great! I'm so glad we could be there with you and Noah. Thanks for sharing your precious boy with us :)
Mom 4 Kids said…
Our family has started checking in on your blog and now following it. When Anoop was brought back we were thrilled for Noah! Thanks for keeping us posted.
Anonymous said…
I honestly wish Anoop would lay off the R&B
Recovering Noah said…
Hey Sarah and Julie - thanks for the love. :-) If Anoop makes it far, then you'll be seeing plenty of Noah videos.

Mom4Kids - love your blog! Thanks for stopping by.

Coffee - Honestly, I'm not a fan of R&B, but if Noah likes it then I will tolerate it. Anything to make that little boy smile. (I do think Anoop does a GREAT job at it - regardless of whether it's my favorite music style or not).
Anonymous said…
No! Why did he do that song?!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Pray, pray hard, lol.
sandwichinwi said…
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