Yes, I am THAT Momma!

Okay, before I begin, just look at that face. Is that not the cutest kid in the world? Look at that lovely fresh haircut he's sporting.

Curious to know how we got a child who is terrified of haircuts to actually sit still, grab the clippers, AND bend his head down so his Nonna could cut his hair?

That's right, people. I pulled the Anoop card.

Sho' did. And I'm not ashamed.

Okay, well, I am a tiny bit ashamed. But you will just not believe what happened.

Here in the Noah T. family, we give our boys short haircuts so that we don't have to touch their heads for at least 4 months. It is a nightmare trying to cut our boys' hair. God blessed us with two kiddos that have sensory issues (Eli even worse than Noah!) and my momma has sworn many a time over the last several years that we're just going to have to buck up and take them to a barber because she can't stand the squirming and flailing and crying anymore.

Well, Noah was starting to get antsy and getting all teary-eyed because he knew his turn was coming up and I just reached deep into my soul and pulled out the Anoop card..

"Baby, you have to get your hair cut. I can hardly see your pretty eyes anymore. Did you see Anoop's new haircut on American Idol? I bet he was a big boy getting his hair cut. Let's be a big boy and get your hair cut so that you can look just like Anoop."

I know, I know. I'm sure there's a special place reserved for moms like me. But what can I say?


Yes, it did. Anoop, honestly. What is this spell you have on my child???

Can you believe that he actually hopped his hiney right into my lap, grabbed the clippers and put them to his head? He was such a trooper. No screaming, no crying. Every time my mom would move the clippers away, he'd grab her hand and put it right back to his head. He didn't even mind when she had to shave the back of his neck.

We were all stunned. I mean, STUNNED.

So, I'm just wondering how far I can use this whole Anoop card thing. It opens up a world of possibilities...

Do you think I can pull it out at suppertime? "Yummm... eat up, Noah Bear. I bet Anoop likes his veggies!"

What about bathtime? "Hop on in, honey. I bet Anoop takes a bath every day!"

Brushing teeth, putting on shoes... the possibilities are endless!

It is just pretty darn amazing how Noah is doing something new everyday. I just can't get over it.

Freaky amazing.

Fantastically amazing.

Pretty. Darn. Cool.


C said…
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I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do :)

Noah's mama
Nikki said…
Oh my gosh- that is hilarious!!

Bythe way- just got the books and doll and LOVE them! Thank you soooo much!!
sarah bess said…
Lisa said…
Great idea. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. My son fights us like a tiger for haircuts too. Save the for the really big issues though. In my experience, it unfortunately wears off after a
Chantelle said…
Ha! You're a riot. I really enjoy your humor and love the pics! (But I'm still not voting for Anoop!) ;-) HA! Danny is a Christian and lost his wife only a month before the auditions. I'm afraid he had me at "Hello". ;-)
Anonymous said…
Noah is so freakin smart! And so charming and funny too! I'm so glad the "Anoop card" is working for now.

Mom 4 Kids said…
Yep, Do what works girl!!!
Anonymous said…
TOTALLY AWESOME LESLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO NOAH GO!
Anonymous said…
Trying not to laugh...cuz I am at work...but sooo hard not too. :)

You rock!

Hey, I posted pics of Gabe. He moved in on Friday! :)
Gayla said…
Awww. I am so amazed at how much of an effect Anoop has on Noah. I love reading your blog! Hope you and the kiddos are doing well.

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