Our American Idol Mishap

Dang it! I missed Anoop. Let's face it. I cannot be counted on to post Noah Watching Anoop videos anymore. After last week's debacle and now this week's, er, embarrassing debacle... well, the glory days of videoing Noah may well be over.

You see, one of those spoiler sites said that Anoop would be singing fourth. So, obviously, I was in no hurry when the show came on. In fact, I was in the bathroom.

That's right.

The toilet.

The loo.

The john.

So, I was just meandering in the WC, doing what you do, you know, when I hear Ryan Seacrest's voice in the other room..... "First up is Anoop!"

What? What? He's not supposed to be first! He's supposed to be fourth!

So I scramble off the toilet, run to the living room shouting "Noah! Anoop's on!!! Come on!". I'm trying to pull up my pants. Can't find the video camera. I'm praying the neighbors aren't outside watching all this through our open windows. I grab Noah and ask Eli to help me. Eli, who has been a royal toot ALL DAY LONG starts going,


Then, out of the blue, he starts screaming, "I want a poppadom!" (An Indian bread).

What? For Pete's Sake. What????

Such an unbelievably random child.

Nandi, always the eager beaver, pipes up, "I help!" and shoves Noah flat against the television and pins his hands behind his back like she's just handcuffed him.

I mean, really? It's not like we sit around and let her watch COPS or something. Where'd this come from? Is it deeply embedded in her DNA? These things worry me.

So, while I'm trying to decide if Nandi is going to grow up to be a WWF Girl, Noah starts going nuts.

If you ever want to see an autistic child go ballistic, then just try to restrain him. Better yet, get a pint-sized baby sister to go renegade cop on him and see what happens. Goooood -ness.

Then the dog goes nuts and starts a 6 minute nonstop bark fest at.... heck, I don't know what... air???

In a nutshell.... crazy old dog barking at invisible cats, crazy little sister playing cops and robbers, even crazier 5 year old brother shouting for poppadoms, nutso half-dressed mother waving a video camera in the air and screaming for everyone to gather around the T.V., and one very smart little 7 year old boy who just doesn't want any part of this anymore.

He happily went back to his room where he retreated to his bed and listened to his Anoop music on the C.D. player in peace and quiet.

And I'm sure if he could talk, he would've have shouted, "Do Not Disturb!" before slamming the door.

So, sweet Noah. I am granting your wishes. No video cameras. None. Nada. Zip.

Well, I mean, not until next week. ;-)


Nikki said…
hahaha, your description of Nandi pinning Noah made me laugh :) You didn't miss much... he was pretty awful tonight! Too bad...
Adam, on the other hand, was awwwwesome, once again.
Wow! What a night! You poor thing!

hugs to you
Noah's mama
Lisa said…
I was literally laughing out loud! At least Nandi didn't body slam him! LOL
sarah bess said…
I wish you HAD managed to get a video of the kids. Would have been hilarious.
Mom 4 Kids said…
Renegade cop, too funny!!! Great post!
Hannah said…

Thanks for the great imagery!!!



ps. No Saturday sleep-ins, ever?
Chantelle said…
HA! I love it! Too funny. Nandi sounds like my kinda girl! :) You could always find the video of Anoop (or 'Ahh...nope' as I call him) ;) online... but it wouldn't be worth it. He wasn't good last night. Danny & Adam, however, rocked the house. :)
Jane said…
Honestly Leslie, you need to give a spoiler when you make posts like this. Something like, "Put down the cranberry juice lest you spit it out while laughing."
Anonymous said…
THAT video could have got a million hits on You Tube!
You are a hoot! That is one of the funniest things I have ever read!-Cherie
TracyC said…
I'm laughing my head off. Couldn't imagine that happening in my house. Nope.
Nikki said…
You are so sweet :)

I am not sure what would be easier (am not sure how much shipping is). I can get knock of crocs at the dollar store (just noticed them today while i was there picking up lots of toothpaste to bring) for $1.50. I hear crocs are best. Running shoes are also really good. I find that when parents get a choice when we are giving out shoes, they never go for the flip flops. I guess those are more easy to come by- crocs and closed toed shoes seem to be more popular. Plus, kids in the DR can only go to school if they wear close toed shoes.

Thanks again soooo much, I really do appreciate all the support- it means so much!!

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