The REAL May 2009 Shape Magazine Cover..

Isn't that hysterical??!! If you have NO IDEA what this is about, then you need to first read the previous post I wrote called I Am No Jenny McCarthy.

My friend Chantelle, who I am SO loving at this minute and who has completely replaced Jenny McCarthy as my girl crush, left the following comment on my blog post:

"Oh Leslie, I know you love Jenny, but you have to stop covering for her. I feel I should enlighten your readers to the TRUTH about that Shape magazine cover. The truth is... yes, that's Jenny's face on the cover, but that's not her body. It was stolen from a beauty far greater than her own..."

And it linked to this picture.

Wow, can I just say how in love I am with myself in that little red swimsuit. I don't think I have ever, ever quite looked that good. That's some hot stuff, isn't it?

I am definitely enlarging, printing, and framing that baby. Total inspiration for the diet/workout regime that I needed to start, oh, 5 years ago.

Wow. Me with boobs. Who'd of thought?

I may just have to resurrect the "Boob Job" fund....


Shara said…
LOVE it. No one will know the difference!
Lisa said…
Hahaha! Cute.
TracyC said…
ROFL--brilliant Chantelle!
sarah bess said…
Chantelle rocks! :)
sarah bess said…
FWIW, I think you're prettier than JM anyday.

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