You Know You Love Your 7-Year Old When...

You give up the money you've been saving to go to the upcoming U2 concert and decide to buy American Idols Live tickets instead.

The American Idols Live tickets go on sale on the same day as the annual Homeschool Bookfair - which you've been looking forward to ALL YEAR LONG... and you're contemplating missing it just so you can be sure to get tickets to the AI Tour.

You realize that the American Idols Live tour comes to town the exact same week that you're scheduled for vacation and you tell your husband that there's no choice but to make the 8 hour RT drive back to Dallas just so your 7 year old can see his favorite singer perform in person.

You are prepared to break out the puffy paint and glitter glue to make signs that say, "We love you Anoop!" , T-shirts that say, "We're Anoop Desai-ples", and brave a crowd of 100,000 people... even though you get pretty cranky in crowds of more than 10.

And, finally, Def Leppard's Vault, which has been in constant rotation in your CD player for the past 10 years, has been replaced by that of a college acapella group.

It'll be worth it just to see that beautiful boy smile.


Shara said…
I am so jealous!! Maybe I should ask for tickets for Mother's Day. =)
TracyC said…
Are you positive that Noah doesn't love U2? :-D You're a good and dedicated mum.
Lisa said…
You GOTTA make some t-shirts!! AND you have to let Anoop know Noah will be there so maybe he can meet him in person! You better get that rolling now! Oh, I can see it now! Noah and Anoop together on stage! OR behind stage. Either will work for me! :)
sarah bess said…
What a darling, darling pic of Noah! That smile could move me to some pretty radical things as well!
Chantelle said…
You are an AWESOME mom to that sweet kiddo. Geesh, Noah's love for Anoop is actually starting to make ME want 'Ahh-Nope' to win, just for NOAH!!! :)

(Although 3rd place would be acceptable, wouldn't it? After Danny and the obvious winner, Adam Freakbert?)
Jane said…
It's offical. You are the best mum ever... though truth be told, Anoop is hotter than the aging Paul Hewson. I hope AI is over by the time N is able to go to U2, I know they will still be touring! (PS~ I'm with Lisa, you HAVE to tell Anoop your going to the show! : )
Sneha said…
So, I've def started following along with this blog. (I hope that's okay?)

A couple things, actually,
1. In response to your last comment, thanks so much for the vote of confidence. Trying to get through college even before dental school's a struggle, so it's nice to hear nice things like that. :)

2. That's awesome, beyond reason, that you're so sacrificing. Honestly, after I read your story, I called up my own mother and was going on about what a great person you were for everything you do, and she completely agreed. So don't ever stop. :)

3. Let's hope Anoop's safe tomorrow! :(
Gayla said…
Awww. You are a great mom! I'll help you make the signs =)

The new Clef Hanger's cd is coming out soon with more Anoop songs. I'm looking forward to getting that.
Mike McQuaid said…
Aww, Leslie, the Clef Hangers are so PROUD that Noah likes their music. Their huge Spring Concert is Saturday and Steve is going to wear his Noah! button to have him there in spirit. The Dallas thing will work out. What Noah wants will happen.

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