Oh, just a little something we received in the mail...

Look what Noah got today...

And this...

Oh my. If you could only have seen the look on his face. PURE JOY.
Can you read the message that Anoop wrote? It says, "To Noah, from your biggest fan! Anoop Desai".

When I read that to Noah, he had the biggest, sweetest smile on his face. So beautiful. And then he carried the button around the house for a good 20 minutes until I finally had to pry it away from him.

I was telling Mike, aka Clefhangerfan, (the guy who orchestrated all of this) that sometimes Noah's behavior is so bizzare sometimes and he's so often in his own little world that I wonder if I didn't make all this up.

You know, is it just a dream? Did it really happen? Was it just my imagination?

But almost every single time that Noah hears Anoop sing on American Idol or listens to his CD's or gets a package in the mail, it never fails to bring a smile to his face.

And it just lets me know that this is real. That music is powerful and it's healing -and it's beautiful.

I am blown away by the generosity of people - by the generosity of 22 year old college guys. Not just Anoop, but also the Clefhangers. Steve, the president of the Clefhangers, is wearing a Noah button in tonight's Spring concert. These guys have never met Noah and they are treating him like a beloved little brother.

I don't know about you, but I don't know many college guys who would embrace an anonymous 7 year old autistic kid the way they have.

Doesn't it just reassure you - doesn't it make you feel good - to know that there are some good guys left? Maybe I'm just a sentimental old fool, but I find it extremely heartwarming.

Anyway, I just had to share it with all of you. Thank you so much, Mike, for everything you've done for Noah. We will always remember your kindness... and I promise that, somehow, Noah and I will "pay it forward".

And, Dinah, I'm not sure if you even read this blog, but I don't think I've ever properly thanked you for contacting "Clefhangerfan" and letting him know about Noah. I've never met you, but am touched that Noah's video touched you enough to let the Clefhangers know... and all of this came about because you cared enough to send an email.

It may have been one little email to you, but it was the email that started it all... and I thank you.

Well, I'm off to church. (We go on Saturday night.) Guess I have a little bit of praising to do... ;-)



Nikki said…
That is fantastic!!!!!
sarah bess said…
I am really moved. There's something Noah can write about some day. Everyone who comments here are part of Noah's fan club, too, and we are expecting to see him soar.

I've found Indian college kids in general to be some of the warmest, most compassionate people who really care about kids who face challenges. Anoop does India proud in so many ways.
sarah bess said…
I'm just bawling, I have to say. So sweet.
Shara said…
That is so awesome!!
Gayla said…
Yay! I'm happy to hear he enjoyed the gifts. Mike, Anoop, and the Clefs are really great people. I think it is sooo sweet that Anoop said he is Noah's #1 fan. Awww. Anoop just gets more amazing everyday :)

I have to get me a Noah button to wear to the concert :)
Anonymous said…
That is just wonderful!
Sneha V said…
Confession time.

Over the past numerous years, I've said a LOT of bad things about UNC because of basketball, school rivalries, rude grafetti due to superiority complexes...but this just goes to remind you that there's good everywhere.

I'll be a LOT less awful when the subject UNC comes up in the future...this might just be the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. <3
Virginia said…
Wow, your story moves me.... Hoping for the best and more blessing to your family, and the continuing progress of Noah, Kudos also to Clefhangers guys....... This story is so wonderful, humanity really makes our world much appreciated and happier.... God bless....
Anonymous said…
how cool is that???? so awesome...anoop you rock!!
itskaye said…
I am so thrilled with this...
Lisa said…
How cool is that? I'm happy for you guys.
TracyC said…
I am thrilled for you and for Noah and, hey, let's include Anoop and all the college guys who have the awesome opportunity to know one cool guy: Noah! (His mum is pretty awesome too.)
Hi Leslie.. Thanks you SOOO much for sharing with us Noah and your family's life.. We really appreciate all the updates and informations..

I just wanna let you know that I just created a new post on Noop-Dogg.com about your new blog.

All the best to you, Noah and your entire family. God Bless!

Here is the link to the post i made.. =)

- snickers1015 (Stephanie)
dear leslie,

I'm one of anoop's fan.You can see my post on different anoop sites.

We share same sentiments about our kids,my eldest son was also diagnosed with mild autism 4 years ago.That time, his speech was basically delayed compared to other kids around us, he was so hyperactive, i can say he doesnt know how to walk because once you let him go, he will run around and never stopped unless he's tired.
But now after how many years of therapy,there are lots of improvement. I may say he is healed and out of autism. He's an incoming grade 2 now (7 years of age), if you will see him right now,you will never suspected that he has mild autism.He can talk and communicate properly with other people.
He's going on a regular class, he actually had some achievements in school.
I resigned from my job as soon as I knew that my son needs special care. I am a full time mom right now and my priority are my two wonderful kids. They are my treasures in life!!
Actually,he's also an Anoop fan, he asked in the last episode of AI, why Simon's said that Anoop song was horrible???I replied that maybe Simon has different taste of music,hehe....He likes the song "Dim all the light" and he always sings it.
Best wishes to you leslie and noah!!!You, Noah and evryone in your family will survive every challenges.
God bless you and your family!!!
Unknown said…
awwwww.. that's so sweet of anoop and the clefhangers. :)

good luck to noah. surely he's on his way to recovery. :) God bless. :)
Amblin said…
What a beautiful testimony to the goodness in the world!

Anonymous said…
That is just so sweet and neat! I am so glad that this man took the time out of his busy life to make a special little boys life even more special.Love the new pics of your cuties.SO CUTE!
Anonymous said…
I'm just a clefhanger fan who found your videos and blog....I'm not sure if you're aware- but you both received a thank you at their latest concert.

Mom 4 Kids said…
How awesome!!!

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