The Great Motorcycle Debate

What would you do?

Sim just called and one of his workmates bought him a motorcycle.

That's right. Bought. Him. A. Motorcycle.

A little Kawasaki 250.

All of his workmates were in on it.

Is it obvious that Sim works entirely with men? Because if there'd been a single woman on his crew, she'd have been the voice of reason that said,

"Sim drives two hours to work each way. Do you know what kind of traffic he drives through? It's a nice thought, but saving a bit on gas is not going to console his wife and their three children when he gets plowed down by an 18-wheeler."

Ya'll, I may have a heart attack. And he hasn't even driven the thing.

I mean, on one hand, that is so incredibly sweet of his coworkers. I mean, who does that? Who says, "I think I'll buy a motorcycle for someone." It's awesome. It's fantastic. It's really, really nice.

But I love my husband and I would like him to stay in one piece.

Is that too much to ask for?

What would you do? Sim likes the bike and, of course, feels obligated. I, however, think he should be thinking of us and what might happen to us if something happened to him.

And while it's true that accidents can happen in cars, too, I don't know.... there's something about motorcycles that just really scares me.

So. What would YOU do?


truevyne said…
My husband's uncle died on a motorcycle at a young age. Testosterone bike problem solved for our family.
Hannah said…
Does he have to drive it on his daily commute? Is that what it was intended for?

I like them, but my husband is 6'5", 400 lbs. That would have to be a big bike.

I know we have a pastor friend who drives it all summer, but that's cuz we live in the north woods, and never have to deal with more than 2 lanes. :)


sandwichinwi said…
I would wear a helmet.

Wendy said…
As the wife of a motorcycle lover who ended up in a wreck on the interstate in Houston (not his fault, but no consolation there) tell him NO WAY. If he wants to ride it for fun, out in the country, that is better. You absolutely do not want to get that call that the love of your life is on the way to the hospital. Or worse.
Wendy said…
And I forgot to add my husband was wearing the top of the line helmet, a motorcycle jacket with the kevlar plates, boots, gloves, etc and he was still unconscious for 45 minutes.
Anonymous said…
I am TOTALLY with you on this.Motorcyles scare me so much! I agree with whoever said "have him ride it in the country but not in traffic.
Mom 4 Kids said…
A friend of my brother's worked as an EMT and dealt with a motorcycle accident that he related to my brother. I say NO WAY! Scary stuff.
Anonymous said…
Go with him on this one....the guy does so much for his family...every man needs a toy.
He'll probably tire of riding it to work, and just ride it for recreation soon.

Shara said…
Thankfully my husband agrees with me on this one, probably because he has treated too many patients that have been thrown off their bikes, whether they were being safe or not. We just say no. =)
denie heppner said…
he'll be fine. i'd suggest you at least let him try. my husband and sons and sons-in-laws have always ridden motorcycles despite my concerns, and now my husband is teaching our 3-year-old (yes, we're older parents) to enjoy daddy's scoooter and rides her around in the parking lot. nobody in our family has ever been badly injured and the angels of the Lord have watched over them. for us it's a necessity because of traffic and the high cost of gas where we live. (asia) just pray, pray, pray. that's my opinion.
Anonymous said…
Well, Leslie... I understand your fear but what if God was in control of all that.. What am I talking about God is in control of everything... He directs our tears and all... He is blessing your family and will protect Sim and has such a wonderful plan for ya'll.. He is showing Sim His wonderful Love through co-workers and maybe this is to draw Sim closer to the Lord... Now have more faith, He only asked that faith of a mustard seed...
Praise God for wonderful Blessings..
TracyC said…
First of all, I'd drag my hubby to the bedroom for some R and R cause guys on bikes are hot. Then, I'd tell him he could put it in the basement and pose for me on evenings when the kids were in bed cause there's no way he'd be driving it on the same road as a 16 year old fool texting his buddies while driving his parents' SUV. I do agree that God is in control but He also gave us a brain.
Recovering Noah said…
Tracy!! You're a hoot. Honestly, I totally cracked up. Yes, men on motorcycles ARE hot. They rank right up there with men in UPS uniforms. lol *wink*

A. Jane/aka "Peaches"... Sim says your the logical one in the family. "All men need a toy"? Um.. I thought that's what I'm for, but, okay... (hahahahah) ;-)

I'm still on the page with all the sane women out there who say No Way, Jose. But I've said my peace, prayed my prayers, and we'll see what happens. He knows how I feel about it...

Thanks for the comments.
Anonymous said…
You need to check out Gene Baker on facebook. He's on a motorcycle and he works for UPS. Aren't you jealous of Jennifer?
My Dad has always driven a motorcycle but not in Dallas traffic. Gene drives his some and so does my brother but not quiet as far and Sim would need to. What if he only drove it on Saturdays when traffic is light. Doesn't he work Saturdays?
Wow, what a gift?
Anonymous said…
I think it's a wonderful gift and replaces the much loved bike that he's already sacrificed due to family commitments. Sim is a big boy and a safe rider. Let him make his own decisions!
Lisa said…
Oh my! I would hate to be stuck in that decision. I would have to say family first, but who knows? Maybe the bike is an answer to a prayer.
Kelly said…
Wow.... a motorcycle.....

I'm sorry, but I"m with you... dangerous for the father of 3 kids to be on a bike in the rain, etc. Sorry, Sim, I would freak out if my husband drove it daily, but maybe just in the neighborhood.
~Lydia~ said…
have had too many close friends with family that have died on motorcycles, am working on teaching Tommy that motorcycles are dangerous stay away!
Wendy said…
I believe God watches out for us but my very safe, life-long rider still got cutoff by some crazy fool on the interstate, laid his bike down, and was hit by the car behind him. She ended up rolling her SUV trying not to run over him and managed to barely hit him, saving his life. So maybe that was God's hand? Would it help if I sent you pictures of his helmet and leather jacket he was wearing at the time? Oh, and he still has a bike and still rides. Just in the country on less congested roads, for fun. I even ride with him and enjoy it. But no more freeway commutes. And yes, he is VERY hot.....
Recovering Noah said…
Oh my word, Wendy. My heart stopped reading your post. Thank God your husband's okay!!! Yeah - it's not Sim I'm worried about, it's all the other crazy drivers. And it's a loooong highway commute.

PLEASE don't send me pictures of the mangled helmet and bike. My heart can't take it. But if you want to send one of your hot hubby sitting on a motorcycle, then that's fine by me. ;-)

Leslie :-)
I am totally against the idea of motorcycles for the obvious reasons of danger, "organ donor on wheels" is what we call them in the ER, the risk on him and your family, we can keep going... The bike was a gift so maybe start off with recreational rides then see how you feel about it. Commuting with one with such along distance and the crazy morning commuters...NOOO...WAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!
Dreama said…
you know, you could get yourself some leather biker chic clothes and hop on with him!!!
marythemom said…
If he's worried about offending his friend, let him blame it on you!

"Dude, love the bike, but my witch of a wife thinks I'll get cut down in traffic and she'll have to raise our kids by herself. She's threatened to cut off all nookie if I ride it to work. Ya know a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do."

He can offer to give it back or just let the friend know he can come over anytime and they can ride it around on the deserted back roads.

If your Hubby is as honest as mine is, then go ahead and make the threats so he can tell the guy it's true with a clear conscience!

Anyway, that's what I would do.

Mary in Texas (who learned to drive on Central Expressway and won't drive it ever again, even in a TANK).

I'm an online mentor at:
Recovering Noah said…
Now, Dreama. What makes you think I don't already have a box full of leather biker outfits stashed somewhere??

Marythemom - LOVE your answer. LOVE your blog!! :-)
Tammy said…
Hey this is the same guy who let 3 women boss him around in India! What is a little traffic on a little

Seriously, while I would worry if I were you, I'd let him try it out. Your hubby had common sense and I think he would do the best he could to stay safe!!

Tammy M
T and T Livesay said…
My husband has ALWAYS wanted to replace his motorcycle that he had prior to winning me.

We have seven kids and live in a land where there are ZERO driving rules.

I have agreed that once the last child is 15 year old --- then he can get one. That way I don't get stuck for a decade of single parenting and he has something to look forward to. I think I am quite giving.


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