I'll Out-Crazy Your Crazy

I have been blessed to meet so many amazing people via the blog word, but Christine takes the cake.

She is dealing with a lot of things with her child who has RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) and she comes through each episode with grace, strength, and a heck of a lot of humor.

She never fails to inspire me or shock me - and I'm secretly filing away all of her ideas in case I have to use them with a particular little squirt later on down the road.

Today's blog was one of those that shocked me, but then made me just sit back, shake my head and go, "You are one cool mom. Man, I'm so glad to know you!"

So, I thought I'd share it for any of you having similar issues in your home. Head on over there and check it out.


Chantelle said…
Love it!!!
C said…
You'll get a kick out of this: Yesterday as I was restraining her and she called me a s*** (she's working her way up - on "spray paint" day she SPELLED the word a** and eventually called me one - whispering it through the window, afraid the neighbors might hear *giggle*). I've learned that when she is escalating, she is trying to see just WHAT will happen if she does X-Y-Z. If I can go ahead and get to "Z" before her, then it takes away the thrill (like spray painting her wall before she beats holes in it or finds another way to destroy it).

Well, I just whispered in her ear (as she tried to pinch me and kick my ars from behind), "Yes, honey. Your mom is a s***. I'm also a f***ing son of a b**** who loves the hell out of you."

So FUNNY to feel her body soften out of absolute horror and shock. No cussing after that. heh. heh.

Not too often the pastor's wife of the First Baptist Church gets to drop the F-bomb. But I did it with a gentle voice and loving eyes - THAT was the most entertaining part. :)

Things I NEVER thought I'd say as a mother ...

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