Did you see it??

It was very brief (because American Idol gave Anoop's friends and family practically ZERO screen time), but one of Anoop's friends was wearing a bright yellow button that said Noah on it!!!

Isn't that cool!

I'm not sure if I can name names, so I'll just say Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!. That was so unbelievably sweet of you. We did get it on tape, so we'll always have it. You rock!

Unfortunately, I can't air any of it for ya'll to watch seeing that three things happened during the making of tonight's Noah Watching Anoop video:

#1. Noah was stimming on the ceiling fan lights, so we turned them off. It didn't occur to me that it'd make the whole video dark - which it did. You can hardly make out anything.

#2. Despite threatening Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum within an inch of their lives and demanding that they be quiet as church mice during Anoop's performance, Twiddle Dee decided to climb on the seesaw....

Yes, that's right. We have a full size see-saw in our living room.

Hey, it's cheaper than a season pass to Six Flags and it's a heckuva workout, too.

Anyway, Tweedle Dee climbed upside down on the see-saw and let go and, I don't know, started screaming hysterically.... and I mean, hysterically.

And #3, for some unknown reason other than liking to cause myself sheer misery and torture.. I decided to give up chocolate during my PMS week and basically was not quite in the mood for Noah's video to be interrupted by a hysterically screaming 5 year old who should've known better than to climb upside on a see-saw and let go.

It's all on tape, my friends. But for private showings only. Give me a bag of heavily discounted Cadbury Easter eggs and you're good to go.

So, no video again. Except there is a video, but it's way too dark and there's screaming involved.

But let's not focus on that. Did you catch Anoop? Isn't he adorable? Do you think Noah will grow up to look like that? What a cutie. Not that Noah's not a cutie. 'Cuz he is just downright precious. They're both cuties.

And when did I start talking like that? Cutie Patootie this and Cutie Patootie that? For Pete's sake, I'm a grown woman. Someone pop a chocolate in my mouth and tell me to shut up.

The point is.. .and there is a point... Anoop was great tonight. My 75 year old great aunt called my mom up and said, "That Anoop sure can sing!!" She's right. He's got a great voice. And FANTASTIC family and friends who have completely embraced Noah and made him feel like king of the world.

Thanks again, guys!

Now... off to vote!


aww that is so sweet they would wear the button for Noah! :) I LOVE IT! :) Sounds like you had some night friend!

adoptiong Jeremiah (severe cerebral Palsy and visual dysfunction, Taiwan)
adopted Noah (Sept 2008 taiwan, global delays)
Praying Jeremiah Home
Jane said…
Wow; That's amazing! (The button part, not the 'PMS w/o chocolate' part... that's just plain silly. : ) How touching though.
P.S. Your Cadbury Easter egg is in the mail, must see video.
Nikki said…
ahhh- that is so awesome!
Chantelle said…
Didn't see it, but wish I had! I guess I didn't notice the pin because I was too busy watching Anoop and waiting for him to be as good as Danny.

(HA! :) I crack me up.)

Seriously though, HOW SWEET!! I'm very touched they would do that for Noah!
TracyC said…
Leslie--what were you thinking? Hello! Chocolate is the only food the fda should have approved for pms and it should be given out free to all mums. Cadbury Eggs are in the mail, video please! And WAHOO for Anoop and his amazing family.
julie said…
I saw it! I saw it! It WAS quick, and I knew to be looking for it, but there was no mistaking the big yellow button! What an awesome thing to do for Noah. Thanks, "mystery guy", lol :)
Anonymous said…
the person wearing the button i believe would be clefhangerfan.
Recovering Noah said…
Yeah, we were really pleased. The guy who wore it is a real sweetheart.

As for his name.. I do know who he is, but don't know if I'm allowed to say... although I'm sure all of Anoop's fans DO know who he is. ;-)

Chantelle, girrrl, you're asking for a whoopin'!

Everyone else.. I'll be waiting for the chocolates. (hint hint). lol
Gayla said…
I saw the cool "guy" with the button :)
You are hilarious! You should write books. I would definitely read them.

I have concert info that I'm about to email to you :) Yay!!!
Sneha said…
I recently came across your blog after reading it about it on another site, and have to say, the whole thing is so touching. Like, I heard the whole Anoop story, and then what the Clefhangers did, I was literally in tears.

Also, being Indian myself, it makes me so happy to hear about families like yours who've adopted children from India. I'm constantly counting down to day that I'll become a dentist and can go and work in India, but until then, it's so touching to read about other people who help the country so much. Thanks for making the difference :_
Recovering Noah said…
Sneha, that has got to be one of the sweetest emails anyone has ever sent me. Thank you!!!

You sound like an amazing person and I know that you are going to do great things in the world.

Best of luck!

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