On the 8th Day of Giving...

I haven't done a scrapbook yet for today's Gift of Giving because it hasn't happened yet. All day - and I mean, literally all day , I've been working on some stupid craft project for this family that moved into our neighborhood last month. I was going to make a plate of felt gingerbread men play food and put them on a baking tray and give it to the neighbor's children along with a cute Christmas apron and oven mitt and spatula from Dollar Tree. I thought the little kids would love it.

But the problem is... while working hours and hours on end cutting out felt and spending an hour and a half trying to thread embroidry floss through the wrong needle and all that nonsense, I was neglecting my own children.

Today has been horrible. I've wasted hours on a craft that didn't pan out. My children have been fighting all day long. Noah has been neglected. And for what? So that I can look all good with my cute little craft and blog about it?

Why? What's the point? I'm learning that giving is GREAT when it's from the heart. But giving out of obligation - like saying that I'll blog about 12 straight days of it - that's a pain in the butt. It takes the fun out of giving.

I know there are blogs out there where the mom is the most crafty person in the world. You know, the ones who make slipper socks out of old wool sweaters that they felted themselves. And they seem to take the most beautiful photos ever. And they manage to blog 6 times a day while taking care of countless children. And their house is always spotless and they manage to make gourmet organic foods on a budget of $35 a month. And their kids are perfect. And their kids are healthy. And they don't have to deal with issues like autism, and RAD, and anxiety. And somehow, they manage to homeschool their kids, too.

But I'm not like that.

And for some reason, it just boiled over today. It's OKAY that I'm not like that. It's OKAY that I burn my eggs and it is OKAY that I can't sew and it is OKAY that my photos are dark and blurry. I'm me. And I'm OKAY.

But what's not okay is ignoring my kids for the sake of making a good presentation. Maybe other moms can manage it all, but I can't.

And that's OKAY.

So, today, for the 8th Day of Giving, I'm putting down the felt and I'm going to give my kids
the gift of time.

I'm going to round them up and we're going to swing by Nonna & Papa's and we're going to see the Prairie Lights in Grand Prairie. It's spectacular and I know they'll love it. And maybe we'll even drive through McDonald's. And maybe we'll turn the radio up really loud and sing off-key. And maybe, just maybe, we'll create a memory that no scrapbook page can ever match.

And that will be OKAY with me.

I'll be back tomorrow with a new Day of Giving (it's an easy one tomorrow). I'm not going to give up because we're almost through... but it does give new meaning to charity begins at home.


sandwichinwi said…
Good for you, Leslie! I hope you had a wonderful time with YOUR kids!

Mmmm. McDonalds!

I fall into this trap, too. Let's spend 2000 hours thinking about the orphans in India. Kids! Go away. I'm thinking about the orphans!

gotta go play with MY kids! Thanks for the reminder!

C said…
People ask me all. the. time. how I do it all.

Ummmm ... I don't.

Something is always crap. It's usually the house. And I have let it go. We pick up for company, when we know they're coming. But after therapeutic interventions, and getting food cranked out for seven people, and trying to go as long as I can without doing laundry but still have clean underwear ...

right now I'm sitting in a FILTHY house, on a bed that I actually made (my husband was shocked at how "neat" the bedroom looked - yeah, it was because I MADE THE BED - such a rarity, he couldn't figure out what it was that made it look soooo amazing) and I am about to play Farmville and sip some super sweet moonshine and ignore the crazy noises coming from the other room.

THAT is how I do it.

FYI: my word verification is "ditoress" ... which rhymes with ...
Anonymous said…
I love you and your burned eggs and your non-craftiness.

I'm doing 12 Days of Giving, too. I'm just spreading them out and doing one PER YEAR. This year we raked the neighbors leaves.

I've got to pace myself, you know.

Sneha V said…
This is one of the things I loove about you. You're able to realize what works for you & what doesn't - and you do what's best for you & your kids. :)

Sneha V
Marty Walden said…
The expectations we have of ourselves could kill us! Parenting special needs kids is a job within itself and perfection is nowhere to be found. I "try" to grab the moments I can and treasure them and have amnesia about the "junk." With my father's passing this year and my mom very sick I can not do everything. Even without all of that, I couldn't do everything. So some nights I sit and veg at the tv with one kid at a time and that's o.k.a.y. Memories are still memories, even if it's not decorating perfect cookies or a perfect house. You are so special and a blessing in your children's lives. Remember that!
The Johnson's said…

You are a SUPER mom...as evidenced by your awesome costume in one of your awesome blogs! My husband often reads your blogs and I think I've heard him say several times: "if we can be half the parent she is one day..." and "she deserves the mom of the year award". And I totally agree!! Heck...I don't have kids and I still can't manage to blog more than once a month!! SO props to you!!!

Hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas!!!


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