Homeschooling Finds @ The Dollar Tree
As much as I spout off about simplifying and consuming less, there's one place I can't resist... The Dollar Tree. Or, as Sim calls it, "The-Leslie-Can't-Leave-Without-Spending-At-Least-$20 Store".
Oh, he is SO right.
I try to go only every few months because I always end up coming back with sacks full of cheap plastic things that made sense for me to buy them when I was in the store... but then sit collecting in a corner once I get home. However, I spent all of last night browsing through the Lakeshore Catalog (it's a teacher supply catalog), making this huge unattainable - and unaffordable - wish list... and realized that I could buy or make half the stuff myself. So off to the Dollar Tree...
In addition to buying essentials - like toothbrushes (I have a thing about toothbrushes. I feel I have to replace the kids' brushes every month - and it's soooo much cheaper to buy 2 for a $1 this way), I bought some really cool things. Well, I think they're pretty cool.
Sim thinks it's junk.
But I'm the teacher. And the teacher is always right. Or, I like to think she is...
Okay. She is SO right all of the time. A Brilliant teacher. Fabulous actually. Knows EVERYTHING. It's a wonder she hasn't been on Oprah yet.
Snicker. Snicker.
Here's what I bought (all for 99 cents each -unless noted otherwise):
Note: It's not as easy as it looks. That egg is rock hard! Plus, it's from the Dollar Tree.. so you can't guarantee that all the bones found will make up a certain dinosaur. But, hey, it occupied the kids for a good 30 minutes and provided them with quite the arm workout.
I think these would make really cool party favors for a dinosaur themed birthday party. (Speaking of which, they also have all the supplies you need to throw a Dinosaur Party - plates, napkins, goody bags, drink, signs - the works).
And last but not least... to add to the ever growing collection of dress-up clothes that we've seemed to accumulate... I present you with a foam knight's helmet, foam sword, and foam shield.
The kids decided to dress up and play "Chronicles of Narnia". They had a blast. Eli really enjoyed pretending to stab Nandini with a sword. Nandini enjoyed pretending to stab Eli with a sword. I enjoyed the fact that neither one of them thought it would be great to stab Mommy with the pretend sword (ahhh, progress!).
And then they realized that they couldn't fully play "Chronicles of Narnia" without having Aslan.. so they somehow convinced Noah to let them dress him up.
Awwwww, too cute!
If you want cheap thin plant growing things, I got some at Oriental Trading Company.
Not cheap, cheap, but if you buy 3 (which I did) you save a dollar each and if you sign up for their emails, you'll get codes for free shipping.
Happy planting!
I know what I'm going to be looking at all night long... :-)
Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know!
I might have a coupon code. Let me know when you're ready to order.