More Eli-isms

Scene: Kitchen Table

Eli : Hey Mom, are you cutting out tampons?

Me: Noooooo, these would be coupons.

Scene: Kitchen Table

Me: Eli, why don't you tell Daddy what you learned today about the life-cycle of a frog. Do you remember what a baby frog is called?

Eli: Yes Ma'am. It's called a tampon.

(Goodness. Do I detect a theme here?)

Scene: Environmental Co-op in Terrell.

Educator: Can anyone tell me what glass is made of?

Eli: Ooh! Oooh! Oooh!

Educator: Yes, Eli.

Eli: Beer.

(I seriously wanted to crawl under the table and never emerge again. I mean, honestly, what????)

Scene: Kitchen Table - learning about the planets

Me: So, these are all the different planets. This one's Mercury. This is Venus. This is Earth.... This one is Uranus. This one is...

Eli: Wait a second. What's that one called?

Me: It's called Uranus.

Eli: That's my anus?

Me: No, it's a planet called Uranus.

Eli: My anus?

Me: Nooooooooooo, it's a planet called URANUS.

Eli: What's an anus?

Me: (Shooting an evil glare at Sim who is unsuccessfully trying to stifle a laugh behind his hands.) Eli, it's just a planet. And the name of the planet is Uranus. Okay?

Eli: Okay.

A few seconds later...

Eli: Hey Noah, these are all planets. This one is Earth. Here's Mars. Here's Saturn. And this one is Eli's planet. It's called Anus.

Boys, eh?


Leanne said…
seriously....that kid has me in tears over funny...!!!!
C said…
Is it possible to love that kid this much after having only met him once????

That'll teach you to use a coop ... or go to church ... or leave the house! :)
Anonymous said…
If he wasn't so stinkin' cute, huh? He's a pretty smart boy!

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