Are You a Bad Homeschool Mom if....

Your middle child thinks the name of the second planet from the sun is called "Fartball?"


sandwichinwi said…
I have to say, I think perhaps Eli ought to take a break from studying the planets.

At least until he is past the bathroom humor stage!

(actually, I was impressed he knew what an anus was! Don't think my 5 yo would know! Good for you!

sandwichinwi said…
And since you're up, come have a snort over at my blog. Leave me a comment, too, why doncha?
Recovering Noah said…
Yeah, but are little boys EVER past the toilet humor stage?

Or is it just my child? lol

And, actually, he doesn't know what an anus is. He just knew that I called it "Your-Anus". I could've said it was the planet "Ur-goober-schlobber" and he would have said, "That's my goober-schlobber? Wow, look at Eli's planet. It's called Goober-Schlobber".

BTW, love your new pic!
Anonymous said…
That's hilarious! Eli is too cute!!
Amy said…
LOL Ok that was TOO FUNNY. Man I love that kid! Amy

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