Our Week in Review

I'm trying to remember exactly why I didn't blog this week. At the time, things were so incredibly busy, but now I can't even recall half of what we did. Which is probably why I should blog more often, right? Plus, now I have to play catch up.

So here is our week in review:

Sunday - Don't remember

Monday - My mom took the kids to the East Texas Gator Farm in Grand Saline.

That place is awesome. It's still not entirely complete, but the kids were able to pet a baby alligator, bottle-feed baby pigs, hold a ferret, feed the ducks, watch the gators get fed, burn off energy in a bounce-house and then have a picnic of fried shrimp and sno-cones. Yum!

Tuesday - Can't remember what we did. Although it probably involved breaking up lots of fights, replacing batteries in broken toys, and potty-training.

Wednesday - Had to get up at the most insane hour (4:15) to be at Ft. Worth by 7:45 to FINALIZE Nandi's adoption.

That's right. She's officially ours! Her name is now Nandini Noelle (Insert Last Name).

She looked so cute! I would love to show you a picture, but guess who forgot their camera on this important day? Yes, that would be me.

I guess it had something to do with having to get up at 4:15 in the morning. The fact that I managed to put all the shoes and socks in the car, plus a change of clothes for the inevitable - and the inevitable did happen - was a miracle in itself.

Fortunately, my parents had a camera, so I'll post a picture as soon as I can remember to borrow it and download the pics. They don't have internet access right now.

A camera full of pictures? Yes. A computer to download them all on? No.

I did, however, manage to take a picture of the stuffed animal that the bailiff gave Nandi as her finalization gift. Each child gets a beanie baby (they've been doing this for awhile - Noah received one at his finalization day nearly 6 years ago) - and usually they're really cute and cuddly little beanies.

Look what Nandi got:

A rat. Did you catch the tail on that sucker?

I think she was slightly horrified. I had to practically force her to take it. And within five minutes she was trying to steal the cute little teddy bear that the 9 week old baby in front of us received.

That's right. Within minutes of adopting our last name, she was already trying to commit a petty crime.

Welcome to the family, sweet one. :-)

Thursday: Why can't I remember what we did just a few days ago??

Friday: Went to astronomy class, where my friend Tristan and I took charge of the little ones. The bigger kids were studying the sun, so we decided to have the Pre-K'ers do a fun little sun craft:

Did you see Eli's sun? (You can click on it for a closer view). It's the one at the bottom. Despite what you may think, we don't actually let him stay up late watching horror movies or take him to peruse the Halloween aisle at Party City just for fun.

Saturday: We lost all of our electricity for 27 solid hours. Thanks, Ike.

We ended up spending the night in my parents RV. Yes, that would be three kids, one parent, two grandparents, three dogs, and one tiny bathroom. But, ahhh, there was air-conditioning!

Sunday: Since we were at my parents, we decided to have an impromptu birthday party in my parents' garage for Eli. We've actually never had an party for the kids before (except for Noah's 3rd birthday), and I think this is the last year we can get away with it. They're starting to catch on that other parents throw real parties - and get presents that don't come from a garage sales.

Man, I was hoping they'd never catch on to that.

I guess the remote control dinosaur that I snatched up at the Mansfield Community Garage Sale last April - and managed to store until yesterday - gave it away. You know, considering that it didn't actually work.

Come on, Mom. I know this isn't new. I'm FIVE, you know.

Not for three more days, sweetie.

(Note to self: bring a stash of batteries and a screwdriver the next time I hit up a community garage sale)

Here are a few pics from the event. Kudos to the Canton Walmart for being able to whip up a dinosaur cake in 5 minutes flat.

And for carrying a remote control dinosaur that actually worked. Well, until Eli broke it less than an hour later.

Which is why we do garage sales in the first place.

There's our week in review. We're off to Austin for a mini-vacation later today. I may have to steal Eli's twenty for gas.

Have a good week!


sandwichinwi said…
LOVE that cake! Nice job!

Happy Birtday, Eli! Happy Adoption Day, Nandini!

If you recall, dear Leslie, our sweet Sunshine SHOPLIFTED on his adoption day. Maybe it's something we should let Holt know about.....

peggyblah said…
oh, my dear, you have such a way with words! and your rate tale is simply astonishing.

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