My New Look

Sooooooooooo...... what do ya think? Do you like it?

If you're reading this from Google Reader or Noah's old blog then you're not able to see it. You'll have to go to our blog site at: .

Anyway, I decided it was time for a change.

I was looking at some autism blogs yesterday - and there are a lot of Recovering So-and-So blogs out there - and I realized that my blog is doing a serious injustice to someone who stumbles upon it looking for autism treatment and advice.

Let's face it. It's been a long time since this blog was solely about autism.

At the time I started this blog, it WAS all about Noah and autism, but about a year ago that all changed. It's going to sound really strange, but Nandini has been a catalyst for a lot of positive change in our lives. Adopting her sort of symbolized that life DOES go on. And by doing so, it created a new family for our lives - full of new dreams and new hopes. In a strange way, it allowed us to heal and say, "Okay. This is our life. We're not going to be stuck in the past of "what used to be" or "what could have been". I know it may not make sense, but it helped push us forward.

And I needed that because I was stuck in the past and caught up in this fervent desire for Noah to recover.

Don't get me wrong. It's still there. All I have to do is think about him outliving us and my eyes well up.

Actually, it's happening right now.

At the same time, though, I've come to a place of peace where I'm finally able to start making new dreams for our family and having new hopes for Noah and new goals for our lives.

Autism still gets me down. Changing diapers on an almost 7 year-old gets me down. Not being able to go certain places or do certain things gets me down. Watching him cry and not knowing why... it gets me down.

But I'm able to find joy in Noah and I can celebrate him. He is pure bliss.

So, that's why I changed the name of the blog to Recovering Noah... Discovering Me.

People with special needs used to frighten the heck out of me. When we found out the week we travelling to get Noah that he had cerebral palsy (after having his referral for 7 months and not knowing), I remember saying to our adoption agency..

"Well, at least it's not something like autism."

Wow. God knew, didn't he?

I NEVER thought I could handle having a child with special needs - much less three of them! (Yes.. Eli received a Visual Processing Disorder and Sensory Motor Planning Disorder diagnosis a few months ago. That's another post in itself).

But God showed me that I could handle it. Noah showed me that I could handle it.

And so that's how, in all of this, that I've come to discover me.


C said…
Oh, my big fat check on "NO" was always "Reactive Attachment Disorder."

I used to pour over You can select the severity of issues. I would put "moderate" on learning, but everything else was "minor."

If I were to fill one out for my kids I have today - "severe," "severe," "severe"!

Yeah. God knows sooooo much better.
Anonymous said…
I love the new blog and the new name!
TracyC said…
Love the new look! Through the "surprise she's deaf!" and the "cleft palate doesn't really mean just one surgery and you're done" and then the "attachment disorder discovery zone" I kept saying "well, they're all bright, at least I've got none with mental-learning disabilities." Yep, that was before we got little Miss Gigi. But God is good and He does know best.
Recovering Noah said…
Tracy, you really do need to start a blog about your family. It'd be the first thing I read each morning. Plus, you've got a wicked cool sense of humor. :-)

Christine, I used to do the same thing on adoptuskid. I know exactly what you mean. God had a plan, didn't he?

Thanks, Shara! I LOVE reading your blog!
Anonymous said…
I love the new name and the look. I've visited your blog often but I don't think I've posted before. This post moved me to comment though. I have a son with autism. And I very much identify with what you wrote today. ((hugs)) It is so often in the journey that we discover so much about each other and ourselves. It's in the stretching that we grow.
Anonymous said…
I love the new look. I especially love what you wrote under your pictures about how you recovered yourself. Amen to that! I've come to a place of exceptance and it feels so much better. Our kids are awesome!
Jaimie T
Amy said…
Love the old you and the new you. Love the old look and the new look. You rock Leslie and I am so proud to call you my friend! :0) Amy
Anonymous said…
Yes,I love the new look too.Especially the fact that my favorite picture of you and Noah is at the top (the one where he has the big smile and his arms around your neck (o:

So true about finding yourself in your children.I would have never felt adequate to handle partial deafness,learning disabilites,a child with physical problems,and a severe speech impediment but GOd led me to all of them in our sweet Sam and I wouldn't know what to do without him.He has helped me to learn so much about me and what is truly important.

I agree Tracy does need her own blog on her family.It along with Leslie's would be one of my favorite reads.Tracy has been my inspiration and Leslie too.
Lisa H. said…
Love your blog, old and new, girlfriend! I can count on you to make me laugh out loud, or at least snicker, and some days, laughter is the only thing keeping me sane! You've got your own wicked humor thing going on...(LOVE Tracy's too!)

And give Miss Nandini a hug from Auntie Lisa....So happy with you on the finalization and thought the dress AND the hairbow were TOO cute!
Buddy said…
First time I have been on in ages....I like your new blog.

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