This and That (Mostly Boring Stuff)

First of all, I really want to thank everyone who left such great comments over the last few days. I am absolutely horrendous at responding to comments.. not because I don't like them (I love them!) but because I am one lazy cow. But I really appreciate all the comments that have been left and all the people who came out of lurkdom to leave them (Hi, Lee!). Christine, your comment about my neighbor was hilarious. I wish I'd thought of that. Paddy, I am so sorry you have to endure the ignorance of so many people. It makes me embarrassed. I really do think every student should be required to make at least one trip to another country before they are allowed to graduate from high school. It should be a requirement. To all my church friends and CMS buddies, thank you for your wisdom. Yeah, I know I could be a great witness to my neighbor, but in all honestly, I really want to flip him the bird most of the time. How Christian is that?? The more I think of him, the angrier I get... so really, I am in need of some prayers. It looks like the both of us are in need of an attitude change.

Michelle, you emailed and said you had a Shrek glass. Thank you so much!!! That is fantastic, awesome, wonderful, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious news! I tried to reply to your email, but it came back as undeliverable. If you could email me directly we can work out the details. Our blog actually has an email address: . Thanks!

And thank you to everyone who got so excited about Noah's progress. I know on a scale of 1 to a million, it's pretty darn small... but, man, those little improvements are amazing to us. Just yesterday, he climbed into his carseat and buckled the clip that goes across his chest. Yeah, baby!!! Can you believe it. Do you know what effort that took? He had to visually see the clip and have it register in his brain. He had to know that you use your hands to clip it... that the black part on the right clips into the black part on the left. His brain had to tell his hands what to do... and his hands actually obeyed. Wow!! He's also getting better and better and putting his shirt on... still with help.. but not as much.... and it just seems that he's making better connections with his brain and his body. He actually climbed onto the trampoline all by himself yesterday. Oh, and I was getting him dressed (he sits on the toilet with the lid down and I sit on a stool in front of him) and I said, "Oops, I forgot to put your socks on" and then I leaned over to pick up the socks off the floor and when I raised up he had his foot sticking out waiting for me to put the sock on! Okay, that's HUGE.... because it means he didn't need the visual of the sock - the actual sock - to know that it was time to put them on. He heard the word sock and understood it. These little things are happening now each day. Can you believe it???

His OT told us the other day that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his brain... that's is all about mixed up connections. It's a bit like a train track. The train can't run smoothly if a piece of the track is missing. Well, that's what it's like with Noah's brain. There are missing wires or connections or something, but by God's grace, I think those connections will be fixed. I really do.

I will say that we are doing some experimental dosing of homeopathy with Noah. He's been on a Sulphur remedy for over a year now - although it took him 6 months before he could take it more than once every 6 weeks and 10 months before he could take it everyday. It really helps keep his skin lesions down. Well, we also started him on Causticum. We actually stopped the Sulphur and just did the Causticum (per our homeopath's recommendation) and we noticed improvements but his skin got really bad without the Sulphur. Plus, too much Causticum is "caustic" to him. He gets really irritated and it messes up his sleep. So we're now doing Sulphur everyday and doing rotations of Causticum of 2 days on/7 days off. I really think it's helping. Of course, I'm giving all the glory to God, but I do believe that He is allowing all of this to work.

Too cool!

(And yeah, I know it's boring to read all about the homeopathy stuff if you're not into it, but maybe some of my autism moms might be interested)

Hey! If any of you are in the DFW/Not Too Far East Texas area, there's a free screening of the new movie "Horton Hears a Who" at all the different Studio Movie Grills this Saturday at 11:00. It's free for kids with special needs and their siblings. I am so excited about this. Our kids NEVER get to go to the movies. It's impossible. Plus, Sim's always working and I wouldn't even attempt it by myself. I would be way too paranoid about Eli getting scared, Nandini being loud (she's 25 lbs and I bet 24 of that is voice-box) and Noah laying down on the floor and rolling around. But this particular event (which they do once a month I found out) is specifically for kids with special needs... so no one will even bat an eye. Whew. Sim has to work so I've bribed a friend to go with me and we're heading out to our first movie ever (with 3 kids).

You can go to the Studio Movie Grill website and click on "Family Fun" in case you want more info.

Well, this is a bit boring, isn't it? I've been trying to blog every day and it's actually made me realize that I don't have all that much to say. And my funny has disappeared! Where'd it go? Don't tell me I used up all my funny? Ay yai yai!!



Anonymous said…
You're still funny, and not boring at all!!!
xxx Geri
sandwichinwi said…
Oh, you are too, still funny! I loved that Nandini is 24 lbs of voice box! That was hilarious! Your blog is my FAVORITE!

Go, Noah! We know you're in there and you want to get out! I bet you're every bit as funny and cool as your mama! What a hard little worker you are.


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