The Answer to Noah's Shirt Chewing: Part II

See that "Sitemeter" icon to the left? I signed up for it (it's free!) a few weeks ago and it gives me all sorts of statistics on how many people read this blog and how they found it. (Thanks to the 5 people out there who think I have something to say. I appreciate it!)It's a pretty cool site - it doesn't tell me who you are or give your email or anything, but it lets me know how many people pull up this blog a day. And it also tells me if someone found this site by googling certain things.

For example, someone found my site by googling "I ruined Amy's childhood". What??? No clue how that came about. And then someone found my site by googling, "What happens when you don't clean your bathroom for three weeks". Yeah... that one I can kind of understand. And don't you know, I cleaned my bathroom immediately after discovering that was what was leading some people to my blog.

I'm happy to say it's now spic-and-span. You could eat off it. But, um... yeah, I'm not going to try it.

But my main point of this post is that it seems we have a lot of shirt chewers out there. And it's pulling up a post of mine that I wrote last September. At the time, we thought Noah's shirt chewing was caused by agave nectar and sugar - mainly in the form of jelly. So, we stopped giving it to him and he stopped chewing.

Fast forward to now... he always ate agave nectar or jelly on a rice cake with peanut butter. Well, I'd heard that peanut butter really harbors a ton of fungus (can everyone say, "eeeeeeewww!"), so we quit giving him peanut butter, too. Plus, he wouldn't eat it without the agave or the jelly. So we stopped. Around that time, I also decided to start making things from scratch.. so I stopped giving him the Kellog's Animal Jungle Pancakes, which I admit, he ate all the time. And he ate them with agave nectar.

Now.. I know I'm making a short story long, but we originally thought it was the agave nectar and jelly because we went to Austin for a week and he stopped chewing. Plus, he didn't have those foods while we were gone. He did eat peanut butter, but he ate a different brand instead of the Whole Foods brand. Problem solved, right?

Well, we started giving him agave nectar again as a test - this was a few weeks ago - and no problem. Hmmm... okay. Then we gave him jelly. Makes him hyper and squealy - but no shirt chewing. Then, the other day, I went to Whole Foods and bought peanut butter because Eli and Nandini love it. I bought the organic WF brand and gave it to Noah. Instant shirt chewing. The next day, he had a Reese's chocolate egg. Instant shirt chewing.

You're guessing peanut butter, right?


It's palm oil. Who would've thought? He's been tolerating peanut butter lately - the regular kind that's loaded with sugar. But you know what? It has cottonseed and rapeseed oil in it. When I did a comparison, I discovered that the WF Organic PB has palm oil in it. The Reese's had palm oil in it. And, guess what, the Kellog's Jungle Pancakes have palm oil in them, too.

Weird, huh? I mean, what a freaky allergy. At the same time, he can't tolerate coconut oil. It makes him break out in a rash. So, maybe with palm oil being a tropical oil, too.... I don't know. But now I really have to keep reading the heck out of ingredients because a lot of those blended vegetable oils have palm oil in them.

Totally random post, I know. But just thought I'd give an update on Noah's shirt chewing for all those parents who are looking for answers themselves. And if you did stumble upon this post by googling "shirt chewing", then thank you. At least I know you're somewhat normal... unlike those nasty people who don't clean their toilets.

Oops. That would include me.



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