Movers and Shakers

Yesterday, I blogged about the eye-opening movie Born into Brothels - and how there's an educational curriculum online that discusses a lot of the issues brought up in the movie... and how important it is for us learn about these issues and what's going on in the world outside the 4 walls we live in.

For me, personally, I get jaded - a lot. I'm not too crazy about the younger generation that is going to someday lead our world. To me, it's just a bunch of selfish, video-game playing kids who sit in front of TV's all day playing the latest PS3 or Xbox or Wii or whatever. Although, I'm a selfish 30 something who sits in front of the computer all day... so who am I to complain, right? And, honestly, I'm sure my parent's generation viewed my generation in the same way... and I think we turned out okay. It probably just has to do with me getting older and I forget that I used to be one of those punk, goth kids that I now eye warily.

Oh, how we forget.

And, oh, how easy it is for me to digress in a blog post.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

Well there are tons of good kids out there... but you never really hear about them, do you? I mean good news doesn't sell. And that stinks. But if you look hard enough - and maybe take off those jaded glasses (note to self) then you can see that there are some awesome people out there... and some awesome things are happening.

I know I've posted about Nikki before (she's the one who designed my blog), but I have to do it again. I am in awe of her. I know she's not a kid (and Nikki don't be offended if I call ya one - anyone under 20 is a youngster) :-)... she's a college student up in Canada - and I am just so amazed and so proud that someone her age has her act together. I mean... I know what I was doing in college and it sure wasn't helping the world.

I know we all have blogs to read, but if you read just one blog, I would really recommend it be Nikki's. She just inspires the heck out of me. And when you read it, you just know that she's going to change the world. It's like you're sitting back watching something beautiful unfold... and I'm so privileged that I get to watch it.... that I'm in the process of watching history happen.. because she will change the world. There's no doubt about it.

So, do yourself a favor and check out her blog. And she also started a blog called Little Ways to End Poverty . I love that one... will definitely do Christmas and birthday shopping from the sites she profiles.

Okay, that's it for now. Off to an exciting day of wiping butts and picking up toys. Oh, to be in college again! (I may not have been changing the world, but I had a lot of fun!) :-)



Cherie said…
You are shaping the present and the future everyday by the investment you make in the lives of those three beautiful kids God gave you,and through the influence you have on the people that God has placed in your path. :)
Remember God's promise to you about Noah and Eli.
Nikki said…
Was just catching up on your blog and saw this. You are too sweet :) thank you!
Nikki said…
P.S..... this post totally made my day :-D

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