The Easter Bunny Has Landed....

and left about 3 dozen broken plastic Easter eggs all over our house.

Easter Bunny... I'm not sure you're welcome in our house next year.

Seriously, though, we don't buy eggs each year. We reuse them and whittle them down each year. Which goes to show you that at one point in my childrens' lives I went absolutely berserk and bought a billion gazillion Easter eggs in order to make their day oh so special. That was back when I naive and didn't realize how annoying it is to find plastic bits under the bed and under the couch and stuffed here, there, and everywhere.

Grrrrr... does anyone else hate those plastic eggs as much as I do? I think after yesterday's affair, we have about 6 whole ones left... and so after next year...... maybe none... and then... FREEDOM!

You see, my kids could play with those things all year long. Plastic Easter eggs rank up there on my All-Time-Hate-List right along with playdoh and markers (because they always end up on the kid and not the paper... and just like a pair of socks, I'm never able to match the lid back up with the marker and then they dry out... ugh! it just frustrates me). Anyway, like I said, my kids can play with the eggs all year long. They love to hide things in them. You know, like bits of broccoli or dog food. Stuff like that.

Have you ever found a moldy broccoli floret in an Easter egg before? In July?

Yeah. It's not pretty.

Anyway, this year we raided our closet and each kid got a toy that I had accumulated throughout the year at garages sales or clearance sales. Does everyone have one of those Christmas/Easter/Birthday closets? (Amy, I KNOW you do!!). Well, a few years ago I found a toy called Puppy Surprise on clearance for $4.98, so I bought it and it's been collecting dust on my top shelf for the last two years. What a great present for Nandini's Easter basket!!

Uh, no. It wasn't. Has anyone actually seen this toy? No wonder it was on clearance. It is so disturbing. I mean, the basic premise is that you have to reach underneath the puppy, open a velcro flap and pull out baby puppies. Seems innocent enough. But there's something disturbing about watching my 3 year old sit in the middle of the living room floor, stick her hand up a pretend dog's uterus and pull out fake cotton puppies.

I mean, I'm not squeamish in the least bit. There are tons of toys that depict childbirth and I'm actually okay with those. In fact, we picked up some old 1970's plastic baby BOY dolls at a garage sale last summer that are so anatomically correct that they actually pee if you stick a bottle of water in their mouth. And, you know, I'm cool with that. Although the previous owner must've left one of the dolls outside and a dog got a hold of it. Yeah.. one of the dolls is more of a He/She now. We know what it's supposed to be, but it doesn't quite fit the bill.

Point being, I don't know why the other dolls are fine, but this pretend stuffed pink poodle with it's velcro womb is giving me the heebie-jeebies.

Maybe it has something to do with Nandini discovering that she could stick all sorts of things in that little poodle. Like pretend peas and carrots. Or tiny dinosaurs. Or awful, get-on-my-nerves purple and pink and yellow plastic Easter eggs. I had to spend all morning watching that poodle give birth to things that it never should have.

And.I.Am.Scarred. It left an imprint on my brain that just doesn't need to be there.

And then we went to church and over to my parents' house for, you guessed it, an Easter Egg Hunt.

6 eggs left. 6 eggs left. One more year and then I'm home-free.

So. How was your Easter?



Amy said…
Ha! Sharing my closet secrets! ;0) Enjoy those eggs! Love, Amy
sandwichinwi said…
I have the closet, the eggs and the dog.

you need bigger kids. Mine don't (generally) break the eggs. And mine didn't stick things INTO her dog. The idea of the dog laying plastic eggs is kinda funny!

How many puppies did you get? I think we got 3.

Nikki said…
Hahaha, you make me laugh. And I used to have one of those toys growing up! I think mine was a cat though...
Recovering Noah said…
Oops, sorry Amy! lol. But I depend on you keeping your gift closet running... I need you to tell me where all the good bargains are!

Sandwich.. yes, I definitely need older kids! I keep telling myself that "it's just the age, it's just the age". And we got 3 puppies, too. I think most of them are 3 puppies but they advertise that you can get up to 5 - so it keeps the parents buying them. It's a bit like playing the lottery for kids, don't you think? :-)

Nikki - I'm glad to hear from you! Be forewarned.. I'm going to be doing a blog post on your awesome and amazing blog soon. I love the new one you have up and I really want to give it a plug. :-)


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