Nandi's Leg Brace

Finally! Here are the pictures of Nandi's new leg brace....

First the old brace.....

Now, the new and stylish leg brace....

You can't tell, but there are actually butterflies all over the brace. Very cool! And, surprisingly, she loves it! She doesn't get to wear it much, though, because the bottom is very slick and we don't have shoes yet that fit it. I'm holding out until Stride Rite's upcoming sale. But we are headed to Austin today for Noah's session as HALO, so I'm going to stop off at the Target in Roundrock and see if it'll fit into a fake croc - just to tide her over.

Hope everyone has a good day. Sorry for the boring blogging - we've been pretty busy the past few days.



Cherie said…
We missed you guys tonight, both the food and fellowship were great!

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