Lightning and Thunder and Scares.. oh my!

So did anyone else have kids sleep with them last night? BK (before kids), I used to love thunderstorms at night because you could just curl up under the covers and let the rain lull you to sleep. But now... now I know that a thunderstorm means that three kids - and possibly a dog - will be sharing the bed with me and dear hubby.

On the plus side, all three kids have been up for hours and have been fed, dressed, and are - somehow appropriately - watching The Wizard of Oz right now.

Today, I'm taking Nandini to an orthotist to get measured and fitted for leg braces. We have no idea if she'll need just one for her left leg or if they'll fit her for two of them. I've got a sinking feeling that we'll end up having to buy two different size shoes for her to wear - something that I've watched my mom go through for my whole life. Her left foot is a size and a half different from her right one and it's been an expensive ordeal having to buy two pairs of quality shoes to fit both her feet. Oh well. What do you do? The important thing is that we're getting her leg seen to and hopefully we'll get some more information about it (the status of her leg) today. I'm so thankful my parents have moved out here because they're watching the boys today. It's been a Godsend, I tell you. It truly has.

Anyway, for those of you wondering why I high-tailed it out of church in the middle of the service yesterday... well, Nandini peed all over me! It was totally unexpected. She never pees through her pull-up, but around 11:30, I moved her off my lap and noticed a humongous wet spot all over the front of my skirt. I'm not joking - it must've been at least 6 inches by 10. So, on instinct, I jumped up in surprise and threw Nandini on my hip.. which resulted in an equally big stain on my shirt. No big deal.. except my mom was meeting me out front at 12 because we had a baby shower to go to. So, I had to leave the boys with Sim and run home and change both of us. And I absolutely did not have time to take a shower and was completely worried about smelling of pee.... but since Noah is so chemically sensitive, we don't have anything scented in our house. That means I haven't worn perfume in over 5 years. I had no idea what to do.. so I ran to the kitchen, grabbed some vanilla extract and dabbed it all over. And you know what? It works! It honestly does.

I mean, if you can use egg whites as a kitchen mask, avocado as a hair conditioner, and brush your teeth with baking soda... why can't you use a bit of kitchen spice as a perfume? Sim has warned me that a trail of ants and a swarm of mosquitos are going to start following me, but if you're running a late and a tad bit stinky... a 99 cent bottle of vanilla extract will do the job.

Just file that one under Tidbits from the Cheap and Frugal. Although I wouldn't advise getting your sweetheart a wrapped up bottle of Vanilla Extract for her birthday. I don't think that one would fly, do you?

Okay, gotta run. Wish us luck at the orthotists!



Buddy said…
Yeah we saw you bust out of church there pretty quick. I just can't believe you're blaming that accident on Nandini. :)
Recovering Noah said…
Too funny, Buddy! Yeah, I was a bit paranoid that people would think that maybe I'd had a bit too much coffee before the service started. :-)

I do love having preschoolers.. you can blame SO much on them. hehe

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