Seeing the Humor...

Now that I refuse to let autism rule my life, I'm able to see the humor in it.

Okay, sometimes.
Usually after having a bit of chocolate.
But we all knew that, didn't we?

So, anyway, I thought I'd post this picture that I took of Noah. Only another mother of a child with autism can understand.
It's Noah discovering that Nandini's Swan Princess Barbie Carriage is much better than those stinkin' Hot Wheels that he's been playing with all these years. Oooh! Big, huge, gigantic wheels. That spin. And they're so pretty.
Go Barbie!
Noah's Mom


Paddy said…
Hi Leslie,

Yes - I can see how Noah looks like Rohan. You know Rohan looks at his sister's toys the same way. I call it his "exploring his feminine side" :)

Have a great trip to India. Cannot wait to read all about it.


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