Hi-ho, Hi-ho, It's off to India we go

Well..... the big day has arrived! We are leaving for India in a few hours.

I cannot believe it's all about to happen. When we started the process back in January, we were hoping that Nandini would be home by March. 2008. And look at us now. We're about to leave, and she'll be back for Thanksgiving.

Thank you God!

So, I have all my bags packed. I ended up packing 18 outfits for Nandini. But you can mix and match, so really the possibilities are endless. And since she'll only be with us for 5 days before we leave for back home, I'm thinking that I overpacked.

Or maybe it was my dad saying, "Are you crazy? Do you really need all that stuff? How are you going to carry her and lug that suitcase all over the world? You only need two outfits. Have you ever heard of washing dirty clothes? Huh? Tell me. Have you?"

Therefore, after careful consideration, I was able to weed out 5 outfits - leaving us with 13. I mean, it's going to be 90 degrees there. I'm sure she doesn't need 4 long-sleeve shirts, 2 sweaters, two pairs of pink and brown tights (but, oh, they are soooo cute!), and a fleecy 2-piece outfit. So.... if there is a freak massive snowstorm in New Delhi next week, I'm going to let my dad have an earful.

Poor baby girl will freeze. And I'll just have to break out the credit card to restock.

See. Overpacking is really just all about being economical.

Words from the wise, people. Words from the wise.

For all of you out there who are crazy enough to meet us at the airport, we'll be flying on AA from Paris to Dallas. We should arrive next Saturday at 3:20pm, but it might take an hour or more to get through customs. Not only that, but we have to file Nandini's green card upon arrival. With Eli, it took about 10 minutes. With Noah, it took longer - so I have no idea. Let me just say... if you do meet us... don't go expecting to witness some great pictures of beauty walking off that airplane. Have any of you actually ever seen me sleep-deprived? With flat hair. And no make-up. It ain't pretty. Nandini, however, will be looking fabulous. Although I am saying right now that I have no control over what kind of shoes she'll be wearing. I've packed two pairs, but seeing that she wears corrective shoes, she may not be able to put her feet into them.

So, don't go thinking I'm color blind if she's wearing chunky, blue orthopedic shoes with a delicate pink and white gingham number.

I'm just saying. It's all about the accessories, you know.

And that goes for hairbows, too. I have no idea if she will take to them, but don't you know I packed a suitcase full. It looks like Clarie's has deposited their entire Fall line into my luggage. And the frillier, the better.

Okay, enough chatting. I have some major last-minute panicking - oops, packing- to do.

BTW, Geri, I got your email!!! You go, girl, with the new cutie-pattootie boyfriend! And it was so good to hear from you. I'll email you when I get back, okay. And you start planning a trip to Texas, ASAP. Pronto. You hear?

Alright, peeps. The next time you hear from me, I'll be sporting a 3 year old little beauty on my hip. I can't think about it too much, or I start to freak out.

If I can find an internet cafe then I'll update while I'm gone. Can't promise, but I'll try my best.

P.S. For all you losers who didn't send me a Flat Stanley. What were you thinking? Perfect homeschooling geography lesson, people. So, you'll have to check out my friend Tracy's blog when I get back. She sent the cutest little softie, Tag Along, who is about to embark on the adventure of a life-time.

Okay, adios. Au revoir. Auf Weidersein. Bis spater. Later taters. I'm outta here.

Noah's Mom


Dreama said…
See you when you get back! Be careful and God be with you!!
Paddy said…
You must be meeting Nandini right about now. I'm so excited!!!! Can't wait for more details and pictures of your beautiful baby.


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