Just a bloggin'

It's 8:00 in the morning and the kids are asleep.

Eli finally went to bed around 6:30 - this morning. Which means that I am one tired mamacita.

He's doing better now, but started running between 103 - 104 temperature last night. I have no idea what it is, but he gets these little episodes about 2x a year. He'll get a sky high fever, stay up all night shivering and whining, and then be fine in the morning. It's happened about 6 times in the last 3 years. Very weird.

Of course we're not complete ogres. We did break out the pharmaceuticals. Thank goodness for dye-free Motrin. Which reminded me that I need to pack some of that and some dye-free Benadryl for the trip. Both Noah and Eli got really sick once they left the confines of the orphanage, so I want to be prepared for Nandini - and I'm hoping that Eli's episode last night didn't occur simply to remind me to pack medicine. You know, as a premonition of what's to come on the trip.

Have I ever mentioned that I'm a worrier?

Which brings me to this. I haven't been worried about the trip, which has me worried. I am now worried that I'm not worried.

Nandini doesn't speak English (although she can say, "My name is Nandini. I am a girl". Isn't that the cutest? Anyway, she can repeat tons of things in English, but as far as initiating speech, she can only do 2 words together at a time, which means she's speech delayed in her own language. But then again, she just turned 3 and has been in an orphanage her entire life. Who knows what will happen when she gets home. The point is that I'm not worried. I mean, I have a very silent 6 year old - and we're managing fine. Nandini is leaps and bounds ahead of Noah. So it should be okay, right?

Which reminds me. Noah is going to talk. God told me. Yes he did! He said to stop my worrying, have faith in Him, continue to do what we're doing (which is basically not a lot compared to what we used to do) and that Noah will be a right little chatterbox when he's 8 or 9 years old. In fact, God's exact words were:

"Do what you are doing and in 2 -3 years it will all come to fruition and unfold"

Some of you may think that's completely wacky and question my sanity, while others might think that is the coolest thing in the world. I want to hang with the latter.

The important thing, though, is why I am rambling so much and jumping from topic to topic.

Oh, that's right. I got an hour and a half of sleep last night. There ya go!

Okay, back on the train track. Let's see... Eli has been sick. I'm leaving for India on Thursday, and God has been talking to me about Noah.

Let's talk about Noah.

I know this blog is meant to be all about Noah, but it has now just become a big 'ol blog about anything. The thing is.. when I started it a year and a half ago, I was in a terrible place. Cure Noah. Recover Noah. Try anything. Autism is evil. Blah Blah Blah. And I still feel a lot of that today. However, that urgent "gotta do something now... this minute.. this second" feeling is gone.

And I like it.

A few years ago, I ate, slept, and drank autism. It was my 24/7 world and I was a Mom on a Mission. I'm still a Mom on a Mission.... but one who recognizes that it's important to stop and smell the flowers sometimes. The one who realizes that the world goes on... just keeps a spinning... even if Noah has autism or not. I don't want to live my life in an autism bubble. I don't want my life ruled by autism. It has already taken so much from our family. I don't want to give it anymore.

So, while I am still working towards Noah getting better, I've also just learned to let go a bit and leave it God. And what a freeing release that is. It's fantastic.

So......... poor grammar aside (and, yes, it is scary that I have a degree in English), I am refusing to have our lives ruled by autism. There will still be dark days.... days I want to cry and kick and scream and break dishes (not that I've ever done that, but wouldn't it be fun?)...

Until you had to clean them up.....

But I am going to start celebrating the little milestones in Noah's live. Which brings me to my long-awaited point....

1. Noah kissed Dad. That is right. It actually brought tears to Dad's eyes. Noah started giving kisses a month ago, but refused to kiss Dad. Well, the other day, Dad picked him up and said, "Give me a kiss, Noah" and he puckered up those cute little lips of his and leaned in and kissed him. It was a beautiful sight.

2. Noah hugged me! Like, absolutely hugged me on his own. He was sitting on my lap, facing me, and we were doing Wheels on the Bus. Well, he threw my arms aside, leaned in and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. Now, he's always been a cuddler, but this was the first time he initiated a hug on his own.

Speaking of which...

3. Noah kissed me on his own last night. Usually, we prompt him with "Give me a kiss, Noah", but yesterday he got down off his booster seat after supper. I happened to kneel down beside him and he came right up to me and smacked me on the mouth and then carried on. How cool is that?

4. Noah fed himself a bowl of soup last night. There are two major things about that. First, that Noah ate soup. This is the first time in his life that he's tasted soup. He usually refuses. But last night, I made curried butternut squash & sweetcorn soup, and he ate the whole thing. The second thing is that he fed himself with a spoon. The entire bowl! He usually eats with his hands, so this was major.

Okay, I know there's more, but can't think of it right now. Plus, I hear him stirring. (It's now 9:00 o'clock). So I'd better sign off.

I'll try to blog again before I leave for India.

Did I mention it's in two days!!??

Noah's Mom


Leanne said…
Just wanted to delurk and say that I love it when God speaks! I can't wait to see how it unfolds! Go Noah! And God!
C said…
Will you get to update while in India? Ya' know, because it's all about ME ... and keeping ME in the loop! ha!

Hope it's a great trip. It's the best kind. You have a child when you come home!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
That is so cool Leslie! You are such a great testimony to me! We will pray for Eli. Tell him Brett said to "get well soon", k?

Remind me again....what day will you return from India?

Hope you have a safe trip :)

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