More Pictures & An Update

Hey, just wanted to post some new pics of Nandini that we took this afternoon. My luggage finally arrived - with my camera. Yea! So, we've been snapping away.

Will try to update with a proper post later on tonight. I am still reeling from jet lag and that darn stomach virus I caught. My mom has it, too, and we think it might be the fountain drinks we had at the McDonald's in Karol Baugh a few hours before we boarded the plane. We were so good about not drinking the water... it didn't occur to us at the time that the fountain drinks are made with the local water. But let me tell you, the Paneer Salsa Wrap they had was the best thing I've ever eaten. I might start a petition to get the U.S. McDonald's to start putting it on their menu. :-)

Nandini's taking a nap. Her sleeping patterns are so messed up. She went to bed at 1:00am last night and woke up at 5:00. For a child that spent three years learning how to put herself to sleep on her own, she sure has gotten used to being held. She won't fall asleep unless she's on Sim's chest or unless he's carrying her. She is still leery of me, but it's getting a teeny, tiny bit better. He goes back to work on Saturday, so I hope things will improve by then.

Oh, and if anyone wants to stop by... stop on by! Seriously. My friend Amy is coming tomorrow morning and we're planning on going to church on Sunday. We're just going to try and get back to normal. Nandini can't stand the quiet and seems to like having people around. We don't plan on going anywhere (except to A. Jayne's on Thursday). For some reason, I decided to start potty-training Noah this week. Yes, I am nuts. But we're taking Nandini every hour, so might as well do Noah, too. He's gotten to where he doesn't want us to put a diaper on him, so I found these environmentally friendly cloth pull-ups with hemp liners that snap in. He isn't really ready to be potty-trained yet, but can't stand diapers. So, we'll go with the flow (quite literally, actually - lol) and see what happens. (And he looks sooooooooo cute in his white briefs!) Point is.. we'll be around!

Hmmm... looks like I've actually posted a proper blog message! lol. So, I might as well continue....

Sandwich, you asked how Noah did while I was gone and how my mom did in India. Noah actually did really good. My dad said he cried a few times... he would walk into the living room and find Noah sitting there in tears... but he did really well. Probably because he was fed a diet of no-no food while we were gone. He seemed really excited, though, at the airport and walked up to me and squealed with delight and clapped his hands. I missed him so much.!! He looks so HUGE next to Nandini. And anyone who has ever seen Noah in person knows that he's a tiny little thing... but he's just a giant next to her. She's so tiny.

As for my mom, she did well, too. The food ended up getting to her. At the Seasons, she was more adventurous because the breakfast was a buffet, so she could always sample things. At the Sri Nanak, though, she was afraid to order Indian food and then be stuck with it if she didn't like it, so she got the chicken omelet for breakfast and the tomato soup and rice for lunch and dinner. Healthwise, she only had to use her inhaler once and that was when we were stuck in traffic and the exhaust got to her. We also had no problem carrying all her medicine with us - although it did make the carry-on pretty heavy. Oh, and by the way, Sandwich, thanks for the Sri Nanak recommendation. I really, really liked it. It was perfect!

And that's about it for now. I'm going to try and make Potato Jheera and Rice with Veg tonight. We're going to see if we can fool Nandini into thinking that tortillas are actually chapatis. Will let you know how it goes.

P.S. Regarding those sparkly pink shoes in the picture... Nandini won't take them off! I bought them in India and she LOVES them. We were going for a walk today and I tried to put on her pink and brown Mary-Janes and she shook her head "no" and pushed them away. I then tried to put on her hot pink shoes and she shook her head "no" and pushed them away. Then I tried a pair of black shoes. Same thing. Finally, I held up her sparkly pink impractical shoes and she smiled and did her Indian sideways head nod. Silly girl. (By the way, her Indian nod is SOOOO cute. I hope she never loses it. She tilts her head from side to side to indicate yes. So Indian. So cute!)



Anonymous said…
wow what a pretty lil girl and cute indian dress that is so beautiful i love it.she looks adoreable wearing it also.well thanks for posting more photos i'm saving them all to my computer hope that's ok with you.that's great that nandini is finally coming around with you now.well gotta ya,christie
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad to hear that things are going well...i, too, however, have had the stomach virus..mine stemming from American Public School roots

Can't wait to meet her Sunday...hope ya'll are able to come!
Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie,
What wonderful pictures of Nandini. Love that salwar! I'm glad things are going better. I'm sure they'll keep improving as time goes by.

I got Delhi-belly on the two trips before this last one. Once from the fountain drink at the airport and once from the airline food. I feel for you!

Hope the potty-training goes well for both of your N's!

sandwichinwi said…
Leslie, glad everyone did so well and your mom stayed healthy. I think that was really brave of her to go to India and I'm glad she's so adventurous. It's a trip she'll always remember!

Was there ice in your drinks? I'd say that could be the culprit. I got sick from ice I thoughtlessly drank in a soda my first trip.

Nandini is just beautiful, as is the rest of your family.

Soham did his head nod all the time for the first month or so and everyone loved it. Sadly, he's now lost it since WE don't do it. Breaks my heart.


Glad you liked the Sri Nanak. I loved it too.

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