Our First Two Weeks as a Family of Five

Yea!!! Yes, we're still alive. I know it's been more than a week since I last blogged - but, believe me, there was good reason. First of all, I ended up in the ER with severe dehydration from my non-thinking decision to have a Sprite (with ice!) at a McDonald's in Delhi. I was finally able to hold food down come Thanksgiving and overindulged just a bit. Well, the bacteria or amboeba's or whatever it was had a field day and I really paid for it. Let's just say that I got seriously acquainted with our toilet - at eye level - and I will never, ever, ever go that long without cleaning it again. Eeeewwwww.

The second reason that I haven't blogged is because I've been 100% sleep deprived. Sim, too. Nandini decided that she could manage just fine sleeping only 4 hours a night. And, actually, that's about how much Noah slept for the first 9 months he was home, but he was our first so we were able to adjust to his schedule. But, now, we've got 2 others at home and 1 who decides that he has to wake up about 6:00 each and every morning. So, there's not been anytime to rest. Fortunately, though, she started sleeping through the night a few days ago, and it has been WONDERFUL!!!!

The third and final reason I haven't blogged is because.... drum roll.... Nandini won't let go of me!! Can you believe it??? She spent the entire week in India hating me and our first week home pushing me away, but as soon as Sim went back to work, she started clinging to me. She won't let go. Ever. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to go the bathroom with a child sitting on your lap? (I bet all you moms are nodding, "Yes. Yes, I do".) lol. She is getting so attached to me. She screams everytime I leave her sight. It's really fantastic. Exhausting, but fantastic.

So, things have been good. She gets along really well with Noah. It's weird, she just kind of knows that Noah is a bit different - and she's so cool with it. She brings him toys and always makes sure that he has whatever she and Eli have. If we leave to get in the car, she takes his hand to make sure he follows her. It is just so sweet. I was changing him today and she was handing me wipes. She is just so unbelievably sweet with him.

As for Eli... well, the first week was like a honeymoon. He was SO excited to have a playmate, but now the excitement has worn off. They fight ALL the time. He hates to share and she loves to hit. I've never experienced this whole sibling rivalry thing, but it has hit the Thomas household with a vengeance. One minute, they're playing peacefully and I hear laughter coming from the bedroom. The next minute, I hear screaming and "Mooooooooooooommmy!!!! She took my toys" and then Nandini laughs and rattles off something in Marathi. She loves to push his buttons.

To let you know how Eli's adjusting, here's a conversation we had today:

Eli: Mom, is Nandini going to be with us forever?
Me: Yes, she is.
Eli: I want her to go back to India.
Me: Why?
Eli: She messes up my things.
Me: Well, she's your sister and she's going to be with us forever and ever.
Eli. (Pause) Well, then can I go back to Guatemala?

Siblings, eh?

But besides that, things have been great. I LOVE having a little girl. It's so much fun and soooooooo different from having two little boys. She is just so happy and playful. It's a complete turnaround from the grieving little girl that went into Emotional Shutdown just 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am absolutely in love. Exhausted, but in love. :-)

I'll post some pictures.... because I'm sure after me posting pictures everyday that you've all gone through a Nandini picture withdrawal. :-)

Oh, and Christie. You wanted to know why there are so many pictures of Nandini and Eli, but not any with Noah. Well, although Nandini loves Noah, he doesn't exactly hang around her like Eli does. He still doesn't know how to play or interact with people, so the only pictures we can get of the two of them together are when they're eating or strapped next to each other in the carseat. And it's really hard to to get Noah to look at the camera and smile. But I'll keep trying!

Hope you all had a great week. We did!



C said…
Ohhhh ... I remember the second week that Presh was home for good. We were packing up to go visit her foster family. My son inquired as to where we were going. When I told him, his eyes lit up and he happily cheered, "She's going back!!"

Thankfully, things change ... slowly! ha!

My two oldest have friends spending the night tonight. We have five kids in the house. I keep winking at my husband and saying, "This feels about right, doesn't it???"

He's pretending to ignore me! ;)
Anonymous said…
I've gotten a pap smear with Jayden on top of me. Yes I understand the toilet thing. LOL. Also loved that Eli wanted to go back to guatamola. So funny!!!

Recovering Noah said…
Jaimie - oh my gosh!!!! The visual on that one.... lol. Too funny! Now that belongs under the heading of "You know you're a mother when...." :-)

Christine - glad to know my son isn't the only one who didn't take to his baby sister. I guess the second week is when the green-eyed monster hits. :-) And I agree... 5 sounds about right! Although I think Sim would pack his bags and leave if I ever mentioned that right now. But who knows... maybe in a year or two. :-)


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