Noah said, "I love you, Mom"!!!


I can't believe it!!!

I walked by him sitting at the table and kissed him on the head and said, "Have I told you this morning how much I love you?"

And he said, "Iduvumum"

Of course, I was stunned. And I said, "Noah, did you just say, "I love you mom? Yes or No?"

And he said, "Esssss"


Of course I cried. And called Sim. And called my mom. And Noah was so pleased with himself that he took me by the hand and led me straight to the TV so that he could watch an Elmo video. I guess he thought, "Hey, I told you I love you, so now I get a freebie."

This officially goes down in history as the best day of my life. (Doing carthwheels and happy dances and thanking Jesus).



Anonymous said…
Teary eyes... How sweet!!! -Angie
Anonymous said…
oh Leslie, how wonderful for you! oh my word. tears of happiness going on over here.

:)De said…
So happy for you! The sweetest words.

Pam said…
Leslie~How awesome is that!!! Soak it up Momma!
Shara said…
I am rejoicing with you!! How awesome!!!!!
Anonymous said…
THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!I am so happy for you! I wish I was there so I could spin him around the room and give him a big kiss! Since I'm not you can do it for me(o:
Hannah said…
Amazing! :) God gives the sweetest gifts. :)


Megan said…
Woo Hoo! Celebrating with you!
C said…
Unknown said…
I have been slowing reading through your archives over the past several months and couldn't help but appreciate your resilience, honesty and all-over good humor.

I still clearly remember reading your post where you talk about how God spoke to you and said that Noah would speak around this age. At the time of reading it I felt a great sense of hope and excitement for you. I saw your faith through that post and it was so encouraging. And now to have it actually fulfilled - I am in awe of our Lord! And the fact that of all the things Noah could have said, he said, "I love you, Mom" makes it just that much more amazing. I am just over the moon over this. To have read about your struggles and difficulties and then to have such a boon….WOW!!

Thank you for sharing so much of your story and Noah's story (Nandi’s and Eli's, too). Please let Noah know that there are people in Los Angeles doing a little jig for his great triumph today.

Sorry for novel disguised as a comment. :)
Leanne said…
Noah - you rock star! You could not have chosen sweeter words. :)
sandwichinwi said…
Oh, Leslie! That is so beautiful! I am so happy for you and Noah and your whole family!

Peter and Nancy said…
I've lurked for a while from Pam's blog, but thought I'd better join in the celebration! This is all the more sweet because of all the giving and caring you've done, asking nothing in return. I am praising God along with you!
Mom 4 Kids said…
Tears in my eyes!!! No better words ever spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom 4 Kids said…
Tears in my eyes!!! No better words ever spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marty Walden said…
Amazing testimony to God's faithfulness and great love for each of us. So thrilled for you!
Nikki said…
SERIOUSLY???!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! so happy for you :)
Amy said…
Oh Leslie!! So happy for you. Give that precious boy a hug and tell him He ROCKS!!! Love you guys and miss you so much!
Sneha V said…

I'm so happy for youuuuuuu!

You go, Noah!
sarah bess said…
Ohhh!! Crying.
Michelle said…
Praise GOD!!! I was thinking about Noah the other day as I was putting dishes away wondering if he stills uses his Shrek glasses. Have a great day!!
Blessed2BaMommy said…
I visit here occasionally - just wanted to say PRAISE GOD !!! That is just incredible! As a mom to two non verbal children, I can certainly say I understand what an incredible blessing you received!!
The Johnson's said…
Oh my gosh!! This made me cry! That's awesome!!!!
Leslie said…
That's awesome! So happy for you!
Amanda said…
So super happy. I know hearing my daughter talk after almost 3 years is the greatest. She says I love you and it melts me.
Mary Beth said…
Life is Good! God is Good! Noah is Great!!!
Jane said…
Beautiful. Simply beautiful Leslie! (And I love the fact that he was so pleased with himself.) Truly lovely.
denie heppner said…
hallelujah. was just praying for him this morning.
TracyC said…
Perfect! Absolutely perfect!
Bronwyn said…
So wonderful! Truly made me cry!
Lisa H. said…
Tears of joy with you, Leslie!
Lisa said…
Somehow I missed this! Oh, how amazing! Isn't 8 his year to shine? SHINE ON, Sweet Noah. What better words to utter first ! Oh, I am so happy for you!
Sintari said…
That is so amazing, perfect, and beautiful! Thanks for sharing the moment with us.
- Amy (a lurker)

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