India Pictures are Up on Facebook

One thing I really detest is uploading photos to Blogger. It takes forever - and, though, I'm sure there's an easier way to go about it, it's so cumbersome. My plan is to eventually do a slideshow put to music and post it on Youtube and this blog. It will take a week or two before I get that together.

In the meantime, if you want to view the photos in my album on Facebook - but aren't friends with me on FB - please email me at with your name as it appears on FB and I'll add you.

I'll try to add more videos and do more blog entries this week.




Sneha V said…
Hope the jetlag gets better soon!

& I totes agree with you on the pictures - Blogger's great in many aspects, but that's not one of them!

((I'll send you an email in a bit with my facebook name :]))

Cherie said…
I guess you'll have to burn me my own disk of know I don't do Facebook :)
Cherie said…
Wow, I stayed up till 3 last night to read through all the different blog posts about Sarah's. The videos were wonderful and very instrumental in giving me a real feel for what you guys saw. The kids looked GREAT! I was shocked at how great some of them were. I had only seen still pics...the vidoes are priceless!!! Must have more video...I see that it could be a terrific tool in connecting children with sponsors.
Awesome job Sarah, Teresa, and all those precious Ayahs (sp?) are doing!
I totally enjoyed Fayes DETAILED ACCOUNT OF HOW TO GET AROUND. Between that, the stories, and the videos, I almost feel like I got to go after all!- To God be the glory. Great things He has done...and will continue to do.

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