Ramblings from a Tired Person

I was digging through the kitchen drawers earlier and came across a stack of photos from when Noah first came home. He was, without a doubt, the cutest little thing I'd ever seen. He had these chubby little cheeks and a smile that could light up a room.

But the thing that struck me the most was looking at pictures of us holding him and how he made the best eye contact.

One of the things that we're doing for Nandi - in an effort to build attachment - is bottle feeding. I hold her in my arms three times a day while giving her a bottle.

She won't even look at me.

I hold Eli in my arms and sing songs to him.

He won't even look at me.

And then I find these photos of Noah - my sweet, little Noah - and he's making the best eye contact. And I can close my eyes and I remember rocking him hour upon hour and feeding him and he would stare into my eyes the entire time.. .with so much love.

And then it was stolen from me. Autism took it away from me.

My only child who truly bonded... the one who should have been at the most risk for not bonding (traumatic birth, lengthy hospital stays, and, in my opinion, subpar care)... he's the one who truly bonded.

And it's gone. And now I have three kids who can't even look at me when I hold them. And my heart is just breaking.

Ya'll, I'm just tired. I am so tired. This is just so much work. I'll think we're making progress and then we slide back even further than before.

I don't mean to be such a downer. I know that I still haven't responded to the comments from my last post. I'm behind on emails. Behind on blogs. I just want to take a really long vacation - by myself - and sleep for a week.

Okay, I'm going to change the subject.

In other news... and completely off-topic in order to not end this blog on such a depressing note, I have signed me and Noah up for a 10k run. Which is quite a shock, as my personal best is the quick sprint I did to grab handfuls of candy when some kid finally knocked down the pinata at a fifth grade birthday party.

Mainly, I'm doing it for a few reasons: partly as a fundraiser for Sarah, partly because I'm just plain nuts, partly because I thought Noah would enjoy the excitement of me pushing him in his stroller during a race, and partly because, for once in my life, I'm hoping that all this exercise will give me that tight ass I've always wanted.

What? You didn't think I'd lost my sense of humor, did you?

I may be tired, exhausted, and depressed.... but I still haven't given up on my goal to look like Jenny McCarthy. ;-)

Oh, and, uh, pardon my French....

I promise my next post won't be as depressing.... I made myself giggle and actually feel a bit better now. Okay, I'm laughing at my own jokes... obviously, I am tired.

Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the RADlings bite.

Oops, I did it again...

Okay, I've gotta stop. I swear I'm sober. Just tired. And will most likely delete this whole thing in the morning because of sheer embarrassment. It's like the ramblings of Sybil...

I'm signing off.


sandwichinwi said…
Ooh, you can't delete it now, because I've left a comment!

I'm so sorry you have kids who won't make eye contact. That didn't come out at all sympathetic and loving like I meant it, but truly, I get what you were saying and I'm sad for you.

I wish Texas were closer to Wisconsin. I wish you were coming to Camp Masala. I'm glad we're going to India together. I hope you get a tight ass.

Love, Sandwich
Jane said…
I've got your long holiday right here. Put your dear children on a plane to Portland! We'll have good times and Nandi can cuddle with K.C... something to sleep on : )
TracyC said…
If I promise you that it can and I really think it will get better, would that help?

How about if I say I'm so sorry and send you hugs and tell you that you doing a race and being thin and beautiful depresses me but I love you anyway. :-D
Steph said…
Steph here from noop-dogg.com.. I read every post you make (added you to my reader) but haven't commented for a long time. I just wanted to say how much I admire you and wish I could fix everything! I know you'll hang in there, and things WILL be okay! You are giving your children a seriously amazing gift.
sarah bess said…
love you. feel like you're my sister. you're pure gold.
Anonymous said…
oh leslie, i feel ya girl...feeling your pain...take time to recharge and then fight the good fight...love you, rachel
Recovering Noah said…
Ya'll are quick! It's 5:30am and I woke up in a sweat over this post, ran to the computer to delete it and there are already comments. Ugh!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. Seriously, I really am just plain worn out - and it affects every inch of my being.

Sim has tomorrow off and I'm hoping for a long, nice nap. Mmmmm, I'm thinking about it already....
Chantelle said…
Don't you DARE sweat over posts like these. Keep 'em Comin!!! How else can we know when to REALLY bring on the support and encouragement and prayers!?

My heart breaks for you. I am SO sorry that this chapter in your life is so horribly painful. I honestly do NOT believe it is your whole 'book' though. God never promised a life of ease (His surely wasn't!) but He DOES promise a "future full of hope"! (Jer. 29:11) HANG ON!!!!!! (((hug)))
Anonymous said…
Chantelle is right.DON'T DELETE! That is what we are hear for.Friends to the end so to speak.I think of you SO much and pray for you,Sim,and all your children.You are doing a great job and if I lived closer I would come over and give you a break so you could get that nap or yard sale break...

I know it would be hard for all of you to come to India camp with Dillon but how about just you and Noah??
Wendy said…
I am here in Texas and run back and forth from Houston to Dallas all the time (ex-hubby and father of my girls lives in the big D) next time I head your way, pack up whatever kids you need a break from and I will bring them with me to Camp Chaos, this little place I call home. A free week (or long-weekend) might do a girl wonders and I am sure I can handle them for a few days without losing anyone. Seriously. I haven't misplaced anyone's kids yet.....

And I am SERIOUS. Really. I will provide respite care, no prob.
Taylor said…
I'll be praying for you that God would still encourage you. I know it must be so dissapointing for none of your kids to look you in the eyes. I had daily contact with a little boy with autism this past year and he was not as severe as Noah, but there is a lot of joy to be gained from working with special needs children, although more than not it is very difficult. I'll be praying!
Sneha V said…
None of us judge ya, so don't feel like you need to delete things from us. :)

I'm so sorry you have this on your plate. I know, I know, I keep saying that. && if it could make this better, I'd say it a million times.
But unfortunately, it can't.

But you know you're constantly in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
dont let that not having a tight tush talk fool you, i know leslie in 2001-2002 and she looked like a cheer leader without the pom poms and the skirt ( she was a cheer leader once!!).
sai said…
oopps!! the anonymous was a former international student (me) and in a huge debt to leslie for all the help/support he has rec'd
Ok enough of this third person reference, my name is sai leslie you are welcome to come down to WA state and get some ZZZZ's here, ohh!! u can eat all the Indian food u want :) (vegetarian if i remember).
Anonymous said…
Praying for you, chickie! Like Tracy said, it'll get better...just takes time. Now MG is my biggest cuddler!

Lisa H.
sai said…
i read your blogs and across that you r going to Ongole, hey there is a nice beach about 13 km's away in kothapatnam (if you can over look the part where some areas are used as pubic rest rooms). My grandfather used to live there and we used to go there every summer. if you can take the kids it might be a nice day trip (avoid the public transport -govt. bus service unless u enjoy having people stand over your toes and blow cigg. smoke in your face).
What language did nandi speak when she was in India? was it telugu? Just curious as i speak the same. ohh! i never ever posted any replies to blogs of any sort so pardon my clumsy attempts to post these (hopefully this time i make it look like iam a pro).
Sneha V said…
So last night, I was lying awake, in my bed at 4 in the morning questioning God. && maybe He got tired of my incessant questions, but He made me remember something that makes me feel better, & I hope it does the same for you. :)

In 2007, our spiritual leader came to the US from India, and they held this big convention for all the youths in North America. The first night we were there, he gave a discourse, and the most memorable quote dealt with why bad things happen to really great people (ie YOU) && why not so good people never seem to face that. He said, "sometimes bad things happen to good people. We have to remember that only people who go to school have to take tests. Those who are out wandering the street don't have to take tests. You guys believe in God and therefore you're tested."

I know we're not followers of the same religion, so I hope you won't be offended. That's not my intention. It just kills to see someone as great as you have to deal with something like this. But we're ALL on your side. <3
Amy said…
Love you sweet friend and praying for you. You are one of the best mama's I know and I know one day you are going to look back on this and it will all be a distant memory. By the way, I AM close and ANY TIME you need a break I can be right over! :0) Amy
Mom 4 Kids said…
Thinking of you and believing that positive change is just around the corner!
stephanie gurley said…
Leslie I found this for you!
Mom's Prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray my sanity to keep.
For if some peace I do not find
I fear I may just lose my mind.
I pray I find a little quiet
away from the family riot.
May I have a moment and not have to think
about what he’s stuffing down the sink.
Or what outrageous tales he’s told
and what stolen treasures his pockets hold.
Some peaceful moments for goodness sake
(Did I just hear a window break?)
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray my sanity to keep
But as I look around, I know
I must have lost it long ago!
and This too
The Ingredients

1 1/2 pounds of kisses
1 1/2 cups of love
2 cups of careing
10 pounds of respect
2 cups of happiness
12 ounces of Honesty
3 cups of forgivness
4 tablespoons of fun
9 cups of feelings
1 pound of tenderness
1/2 pound of Goodness
2 pound of given
3 pounds of thanks
24 ounces of Joyfullness
1 pound of responsibility
100 pounds of loving God
12 ounces of teaching
13 pounds of prayers
19 pounds of Healthyness
20 ounces of Count on me
The Instructions

Mix together ingredients then think about them awhile memorize.
Then test out, try over and over and learn. Put them in your Heart and Brain.
Test out after done thinking. Use these ingredients every day.
Then give the ingredients out to everyone and let them all have a little taste.
Also, After all done add a little sweetness and make it so it puckers up.

With Love Steph

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