JOY is....

Reaching in the freezer to grab a bag of peas for supper and rediscovering the Dairy Queen Blizzard that you hid in the back a few days ago....


C said…
Lucky skunk.

By the way, I got your text. I was soooo high on Benadryl, and the next morning I assumed I dreamed it (because Leslie does not know how to text!!!).

Imagine my surprise when I sobered up and it was still on my cell phone.
Dreama said…
it wasn't all crusty and frost bitten was it????
Recovering Noah said…
Christine... I know. I was so proud of myself when I sent the text. Did you like all the uber cool abbreviations that I used. I felt like a true, savvy-tech, 13 year old. And.. uh... I was so proud of myself that I must have reread the message I sent about 20 times. Like a proud mom whose kid pooped on the potty for the first time. Dang.. I should've taken a picture.

Dreama... ah, what's a little frostbite when there's Reeces Pieces Blizzard underneath. Scrape it off the top and it's good as new. ;-)
TracyC said…
Leslie--don't you even have the decency to look old and tired? Geesh you are gorgeous. Grumble, grumble...
Pull My Finger said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Recovering Noah said…
Nah, Tracy, that's just the photo of a very tired but happy mama.

Besides, I did use the "sharpen picture" option in Picasa. ;-)
sarah bess said…
you look like a teenager in this pic! You must not actually EAT blizzards, just pose with them for ads, right? :)
Recovering Noah said…
Teenager, Sarah? Really?! You're my new BFF. Have I told you lately how much I love you? ;-)
Shara said…
Oh, yum! That never happens to me!
Chantelle said…
You're so adorable! (it's a bit nauseating actually) ;)
Chantelle said…
Oh - I meant nauseating because of my envy! Not that you LOOK nauseating! HA! I clearly post too many comments....

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