Mother's Day Shmuther's Day....

First things first....

I would like to sincerely apologize if any of you woke up at 7:15 yesterday morning to the sound of tires peeling out of a driveway and a crazy woman shouting


at the top of her voice in her best Braveheart imitation.

That was me.

I had the day off.

Whoo hoo!!!

It was a day full of self-indulgence... which basically means three things:

1. Friends
2. Food
3. Fun

It would have been even more self-indulgent but an early morning stop to the ATM quickly fanned the flames.

We be broke.

But, hey, not going to let a little monetary challengings dampen my day off.

No way, Jose.

Anyway, I picked up Tristan and we drove to Mesquite to get Christine - who was also mucho excited to get away from her crazy life - and we hit the town.

First stop: Arlington Homeschool Bookfair.

This is my third Book Fair. I have so learned my lesson. Every year I buy some hellaciously expensive curriculum only to find out that the child I bought it for has some sort of learning issue and needs specialized training. So, I bought two Critical Thinking workbooks that I can share between the kids, some modeling clay, and a few dry erase boards.

That was it. I was so proud of myself.

Our goal is to simply survive the next year. I am not going to sweat it. Math & English - that'll be it.

Anyway, we didn't spend much time at the Fair. I was starting to get overwhelmed. Too many fluorescent lights and estrogen in one place.

I needed some fresh air.

Then we hit the Scholastic Warehouse Booksale, where to my great delight, I got to see my friends salivate within 3 seconds of walking in.

Dang, I wish I'd had my camera.

We also managed to hit up Cracker Barrel, Schlotzsky's, Chik-Fil-A and Taco Cabana. Mmmmm....

I refuse to ruin my Mother's Day by stepping on the scales.

We had an awesome time. I really do wish I could recharge like this once a week, but sadly, it may be another year.

That's cool. I'm in control. Will not hyperventilate. It's all under control.

Now, I just have to repeat that 100 times until I believe it.

So, the most important thing, that I'm sure you're all wondering is ... how did the kids do with Sim yesterday??

They were good as gold.

Of course. Not one single problem. No fighting. No manipulating. Nothing. They actually cleaned the house - including the bathrooms. AND they took a nap.

I was so pissed.

Sorry, there's no other word for it. I love my husband. I adore my husband. I think he rocks the world. But I so wanted him to experience just a teeny, tiny little bit of what I go through each day.

Nope. Not a bit.

And it' so frustrating that kids with attachment disorders do this. AAAARGH!!!

Here's a good example. Sim gets up at 5:15 each morning. All he has to do is breathe and the kids are screaming, "Daddeeeeee!" and demanding to wake up. He leaves a few minutes later and I'm left with two cranky children who are up before the crack of dawn.

Our day begins early around here.

I, on the otherhand, managed to get up yesterday morning, take a shower IN their bathroom, dry my hair, let the dog out, let the dog jump on their bed, make tons of noise and they did not wake up at all. They all slept in - including Sim.


Now, it's 5:50 in the morning. Sim is working today (thus the title Mother's Day, Shmuther's Day) and the kids are already up and plotting ways to make me cry.

Sim gets the golden children and I get the "I'm going to make golden puddles of pee all over your clean laundry" children.

In the words of Travis Tritt... It's a great day to be alive!

You know, I keep envisioning all of our therapists sitting around a pool in Tahiti, drinking pina coladas and mai tais, and laughing about how we fund their expensive and lavish lifestyle.

Anyway, gotta keep on movin'..... Keep on laughin'..... Keep on countin' down the days until they turn 18....

That's all. Must go. Must gear up for the day. It's gonna be a fun one.

By the way, I am back to drinking coffee. Of course I am. It's a RAD mom's best friend.

And by the way, Sim just left for work and gave me parenting advice on how to keep the kids under control.

Oh please. The only way things are going to change around here is if I grow a pair of testicles and change my name to Dad.

Am also trying to think warm, lovely thoughts about Sim's job... and the company that made him and all the other guys work on Mother's Day.

I imagine there are at least 50 other moms thinking warm, lovely thoughts about them, too....

Hope you all have a great Mother's Day!

If I don't get bit, kicked, or pinched today then it'll be a success. Who needs roses when you can have bruise-free skin?



P.S. For those of you new around here... please don't take everything I say seriously. I am very tongue-in-cheek. I love and adore my children. I just have to infuse my sense of humor into it otherwise I'll sit around and cry all day. Capiche? Capiche.


Anonymous said…

Will you be my new best friend? I mean, like RIGHT THERE on the same level as Christine, because I pretty much heart her more than any woman alive. Because sister, you had me at "golden puddles of pee" and "growing testicles and changing your name to Dad"...

I think we should all just trade children for Mother's Day, because we all know they are good as gold for someone else.. but then of course, payback is a bitch the next day.

No matter what, you are a kick ass mom. And we are now officially sister-friends for life.

Chantelle said…
Oh my gosh, I love it. SO true about kids sprouting halos for their dads and horns for their moms. Your REAL-ness is priceless Leslie. ((hug))
C said…
You can't have Corey. She's mine. No one makes me spit my coffee all over the screen like she does. I'll share her a TINY bit, but I still get all of the really trashy and side-splitting emails.

My computer actually blushes when a message shows up from her.

sarah bess said…
You are so dang funny. I think the day off must have been great for you, because I can "see" the spark again in your writing.

I may go back to coffee too. I'm still gaining weight without it and still an insomniac.
TracyC said…
Okay, we are living the same life. We are. The "I really hate my husband right now but I need his salary too much to kill him" school of thought. Offering parenting advice and thinking he was being thoughtful to do so---kiss of death.

I have good news for you though. As T-Rex has gotten better, she's learned to share the love. I think it was about Christmas time this year that she decided she wanted to put Daddy through hell too. What a gift. I smiled. But she is getting better and yours will too. I promise.

And in the meantime, let's talk about double funerals for our hubbies. :-D
TracyC said…
Leslie--despite anything Chantelle says, Anoop is not second best. Of course, I've never seen a blessed episode of AI but I totally trust Noah. :-P to Chantelle.
Anonymous said…
Christine honey love,

Don't worry, you are still my A #1 Best Love Ever. Because you let me say all the mean and nasty things that I want to say to my children and then we have a good cathartic giggle and move on. Plus you are a hotty. ;-)

Leslie, just wait until Sim asks you if you've ever considered a sticker chart. That's when you leave him and disappear to my house for 3 days. (Bring Christine).

Sneha V said…
Thanks for bringing humor into my over-stressed pre-exam week.
Seriously, you're hilarious.

And reading your blog post def brought back childhood brother & I terrorized my mom when she was home all day, and then here comes DAD && we would become super angels and exciting.

&& I'm glad you had fun today. because even if you didn't get to celebrate mother's day with your kids, you are an amazing mother && they love and adore you. :)
Recovering Noah said…
Corey - Tag! You're it! I'm so glad you're my new best friend because I've been stalking your blog and now I don't have to feel sneaky about it. ;-) In fact, I emailed Christine last week and said, "Christine, you have the coolest friends ever. That Corey chick rocks!" It's true, I swear. You can ask her. We're gonna be BFF's! :-)

Chantelle, so glad (or sorry?) that you know what I'm talking about. I wonder if stay-at-home-dad's get the same treatment? I may force Sim home and go back to work just to see. Not that I daytime about spending 10 hours a day outside the home. Who, me?

Christine, I don't even know what you're talking about. I'll take you down. Don't mess with me. If you plan on sharing Corey, it'd better be at least 50/50. None of this 97/3 nonsense. I'll whoop up on you, understand?

Sarah, you gave up coffee and you're still an insomniac?? Girl, you need to see a professional. Unless, of course, you're one of those superwomen who only needs 3 hours of sleep a night and still manages to look beautiful, be compassionate, and maintain a sense of humor each day. Which, I think you are.

Why are we friends again? ;-)

Tracy, I'll be sending you a personal email and we can plot in private. Don't want to leave a paper trail... ;-)

Glad to know that around Christmas time, the little 'uns will be spreading the love to both parents. My oh my, I haven't been counting down to Christmas like this since I was FIVE!! Come on, Santa!!

Corey, so far Sim hasn't mentioned a sticker chart, although he keeps nagging on me to write up a schedule and post it in the kitchen. I'd better take all the Parent magazines out of the bathroom - otherwise we may be in trouble....

Sneha, you little trouble maker. I hope you called up your Mother yesterday and apologized for all the years of crap you put her, through. Tsk, tsk. That's okay. We're still friends. You owned up to it. That's the first step to recovery. ;-)

Good luck with your exams this week!! You'll do great!
Chantelle said…
Thank you so much for posting my badge!!!
Sneha V said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sneha V said…
Sorry for removing that last comment. :)

But yeah, she guilt-tripped the two of us about all those memories yesterday. I think she's really just sad that I'm moving out this year && she'll be all our mother's day was a little sad too.

But yeah, I got a blog last week, which was so stressful. And can I just say it's GREAT to have somewhere to WRITE?
It's put me in a better mood anyways.

&& thanks for the exam wishes! They start tomorrow...BLEH.
Anonymous said…
I am SO with you. I didn't take the much needed break from the year though, it's all about ME!
Mom 4 Kids said…
Puddles of pee, poo in the pants and wishing for bruise-free skin, right on sister friend!
truevyne said…
My husband had to work on Mother's Day as well. I especially loved the year he worked Christmas Eve evening, Christmas Day and then back to work midnight Christmas night...
Makes me consider becoming a Muslim, because I don't know when Muslim holidays occur. I wouldn't be missing anything, right?
Back to pee in the laundry room for me too...only it's the cat who sticks his butt out of the covered litter box and shoot his pee across the floor to pool directly under the dryer.
And then I might tackle the body odor steaming from my radilicious kid's room if I don't give up and hurl instead.

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