You Know You're a Lazy Blogger When...

.... you email a friend and then cut and paste it to your blog to serve as an update on what's going on your in life!

Today I emailed my friend Meredith to give her an update on what's been going on 'round these parts because I've not only been a blog slacker, but a friend slacker, as well. As I got to the end of the email, I thought, man, would it be really lazy to just cut and paste it to my blog so that I don't have to write anything for awhile?

So, here you have it. A personal look at the types of emails I sent to my friends. They're such a jumbled mess that it's a wonder I have any left!  But it also gives a quick update on how things are going around here.

Here you go!


Hey Meredith!

I'm sooo tired! Going to rent the Exotic Marigold Hotel tonight. Have you seen it? Takes place in India and just came out on DVD.

I woke up with a crick in my neck and it HURTS. No working out today. And I'm out of spinach, so no green juice. I've actually started to crave it. I know! Who am I??

Ran out of salt and haven't bought ANY! Can you believe it? Again... who is this woman??

Just had my period and... NO BOILS! Whoo hoo! (For those who don't know, I've gotten boils every time I get my period.. for ages! Gross. I know. Skip the visual. Something to do with hormones and my immune system being out of whack. I changed my diet and no boils for two months!!)

I cut full on bangs. I mean, full on! Like, I have the same hairstyle I had in third grade. And I don't know what I think about it. It covers up my wrinkles, but I think I need to cut some length off. Maybe go for a 20's flapper look. Scary! But I'm looking for ease. Still debating it.

I dyed my hair brown and it turned it black! It's starting to fade now, but I looked like Elvira - minus the cleavage - for a week or so.

Haven't watched ANY White Collar! What's up with that? Caught the first one and now I can't be bothered. Even though whatshisface is a total hottie. Nope, I'm too tired.

My house is filthy. Come over and clean it for me? =)

Sim's been sleeping on the couch for the last week because he can't sleep with Naveen. And Naveen has been waking up and crawling into our bed. So I've been sleeping with a tossing and turning three year old while my husband snoozes peacefully on the couch. What's wrong with this picture?

And I haven't found any diapers that don't leak, so I roll over in pee every single day! The other day my NECK got wet! What? Turns out, I forgot to put Naveen's willy down in his diaper and he peed straight up. It was in my hair and everything. But it was a good excuse to get off my butt and take a shower.

Eli is failing school and doesn't care.

Nandi should get an honary PhD in Passive Aggressive.

Naveen likes rap music.

Noah hasn't had any schooling in about two weeks. And his chiropracter doesn't take our insurance anymore. =(

He's also started communicating in text speak. The other day he spelled out... NO HR CT. NO TDY. NO NXT WK. NO MOM. (No haircut. Not today. Not next week. No mom). Omigosh, is he a preteen or what??

Sim is working another 7 day shift.

It is impossible to feed a family of 6 on a hundred dollars a week when that includes toilet paper, tampons, and dog food.

It's been 2 months and 2 days since I've had ANY sugar.

I still don't look 16, but my haircut is the same as an 8 year old's.

I am currently obsessed with the Civil War and might actually watch Cold Mountain. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it yet.

And...that's all I can think of at the moment. This crick is killing me. I'm using it as an excuse to plop the kids in front of the TV while I lounge on the couch all day.

Hope you have a good Friday!!

P.S. Would it be incredibly lazy if I just cut and pasted this email to my blog because I'm too lazy to give an update??

Leslie =)


Anna said…
So much of what you wrote rings true in my own life. Thankfully my hair coloring job has faded as well. Mine was red red tho and not black. It was supposed to be a pretty auburn. Oh well. Now my hair looks pretty fried due to two colorings back to back. What's a girl to do? I am thankful my Dr did call a few weeks ago about my bloodwork and I'm still anemic. I was wondering what this fatigue was all about. I'm curious about your diet changes. When I was looking up the anemia I noticed it happens when people have celiac. I have a follow up this week and will try to get up the guts to discuss it with her. Six years of this. I'm sorry about the difficult attitudes. Some ages are harder than others. I hope you are ble to carve out some mommy time this weekend. If not maybe if the weather is nice you could enjoy it? If I ever get dressed today I might do that! Ha ha!
Blessed said…
This was the funniest post. And um, if reposting emails from friends is bad blogging, then I am guilty of it too. Thank you for the update. hope the bad stuff gets better, and the good stuff gets more!
Nikki said…
Cracking up....thanks....needed that!
Miche said…
Do you have a Staples around you? If so, here is what I do-I buy empty ink cartridges on ebay (Staples here takes all kinds) and I usually get them for about 20 cents a piece, and order a 120 at a time, but you can get smaller amounts too. Staples will recycle them and GIVE you $2.00 a cartridge in store credit. You can do 10 ink recycles a month. So, every month, you get $20. THEN every three months, they expire, SO, you take the credit, every THREE months, when you have $60 in store credit, and order all your cleaning supplies ONLINE and use your credit to pay for it. I get ALL my toliet paper, soap, floor cleaning (and they have bulk of everything, too) AND orders over $50 get free next day shipping to your home. SO YOU DONT HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE, except to drop off ink once a month. I get all my toliet paper there, and buy in bulk that lasts my family of 5 for almost 6 months. I get dish soap, floor cleaner, the ingredients I need to make laundry soap, trash bags, sponges, even school supplies. Try it out and see, I wish we lived close, I would just give you some ink to give it a try and see if you like it. Shop Staples and just look at what all they have. Also, every so often, there are $20 off $75 dollar purchases coupons they send, that you can use to stretch it even more. I spend maybe 5 dollars every 3 months on all those supplies. I think other office stores do it as well, but I have only every taken the Staples offer, since they take every ink type of cartridge and they are just around the corner from me. It seems daunting at first, but gets so easy as you get into it. Let me know if you have questions over facebook.
Colista said…
You are crackin' me up. Pee in the hair....that is a new one, but yes, it does not surprise me coming from you. {not a bad thing}. You are a real cool mom. :) Praying blessings on the rest of your day. You're kind of like my hero.
Amy G said…
Funniest. Post. Ever. And I have a friend who would like to hear more about your boil-banishing diet changes. Not that she has ever personally experienced period induced boils...she's just curious, you understand of course.
No Greater Love said…
You are an absolute riot. You really did post the e0mail as your post. ;) Funny!!! The pee in the hair is the best.

sandwichinwi said…
LOVED the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Glad your boils are gone. Been there, seen your boil.

Have you seen the Civil War app for the iPad???

And Ken Burns' Civil Ware is on Netflix.

Miss YOU. Been talking hotels with Angie. You, me and Daisy. We're going to E.

Brad and Renae said…
Sounds like things are great! :)
Love your heart! Too funny.

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