Eli - On Being Green

I think I might be raising a future Al Gore here. The environmental activist part - not the whole aspiration to be President of the United States part.

Poor Eli. I'm pretty sure this blog has ruined his chance of establishing a future political career. You know, what with the crazy mother and all.

Plus, it's come to my attention that one of the requirements of being a politician is that you have to wear a comb over. And, knock on wood, no son of mine will ever be sporting a side part.

Unkept nails and dirty ears, yes. But a side part? No.

I think Eli is blossoming into a tree hugger. I couldn't be more proud. Except, of course, when he woke me up at 12:30 last night to inform me that he no longer needs a night light because night lights waste electricity. I'm not kidding. He woke me up after midnight to tell me this.

Darn that Elmo and his Sesame Street Loves the Earth video.

You, too, Jack Johnson and your groovy little beach voice and songs about Recycling.

And then Eli chided me this morning for letting the water run too long when I was washing Nandi's hands.

And then he called our neighbors "trashy" because they had trash laying in their front yard.

That little phrase, I'm sure, came from childhood innoncence and not anything that he might have overheard me say in a private conversation.

Just clarifying.

Anyway, here's Eli's short and sweet PSA on why it's important to recycle...

Oops, for some reason You Tube isn't accepting my video. Man! And it was so cute, too.

I'll keep trying...
