We still don't know if the b-mom will let my brother and SIL adopt. She says she wants them to adopt her, but it all depends on if they get a phone call from the hospital in time - before CPS steps in. And CPS will definitely step in. They were able to adopt Alaina the VERY last minute.
We're just praying that if God wants them to adopt the new baby, then He will provide. They aren't sure they can afford the adoption. They're unsure about any potential health problems. Just a lot of questions. But she IS Alaina's birth sister and we would love to for Alaina to grow up with her. We also know that this new baby needs an awesome family to love and raise her, and my brother and SIL truly fit the bill. So, that's what we're praying for at the moment.
The second picture is of Noah listening to his head phones. He does this for 15 minutes a day. He listens to specially orchestrated classical music that helps with auditory processing issues. His receptive language (his ability to understand what we say) has improved a lot since we started. He'll finish the current program in about 6 weeks. Then, he moves on to a new program that's an hour a day. 30 minutes 2x a day. Yikes! But isn't he cute in his headphones??
The third picture is of Noah in his spinning egg chair. The top comes down and forms an egg shape. He can close himself in it and then we can spin him around. Eli has actually taken over and claimed it. He's in it right now spinning around and around as I type this up.
The fourth picture is of Eli with ponytails in his hair. He really needs male influence in his life. :-) He also has a scooby doo purse and two pink dogs that he's named "Jenny" and "Poom-Poom". Sim is just now getting home from work on time (after spending 2-3 months working late everyday) and he took him fishing yesterday.... so he's traded his scooby doo purse for a scooby doo tackle box.
The fourth and fifth pictures are of Noah in his room. Believe it or not, we actually let him jump on the bed. It's an old bed with a mattress that belonged to me when I was a toddler - so it's not priceless or anything. Plus, it's really good exercise for Noah. He's learned to bend his knees now when he jumps.
The last picture is of Eli and Alaina. She is such a tomboy - despite all the bows and dresses. As you can see, she's hijacked Eli's dinosaurs. :-)
That's all for now.
Take care,
Noah's Mom
I am praying for your brother and his wife as they seek God in adopting their daughter's sibling. God can work another miracle!
I am also praying for the birth mom!!!