Prepare to be INSPIRED

I saw this video on Kelly's blog (The Dawson Diaries) and, quite honestly, I don't think I've ever been more inspired by anything else in my life. I don't know if it will touch you the way it touched me.. but it touched me deeply.

Nick Vujicic is a young man in his twenties. Cute as can be. From Australia. Preacher's kid. And just happened to be born without arms and legs.

His testimony is amazing. There are no other words. Just amazing.

At one point in the video he mentions that as a child he would cry and pray to God to give him arms and legs. And he would tell God what a testimony it'd be to His greatness if he was miraculously healed. But God had other plans for him...

Have you ever prayed that prayer? I have. Many, many nights I would cry and pray for Noah to wake up in the morning completely healed from autism. I would say, "God, don't you know how many people would come to know that you are true? That you are real? Just heal him. What a testimony it'd be."

But it never happened.

Maybe God has other plans for Noah...

I know the video is long, but it will be the quickest 8 minutes you'll ever spend. And if you can't watch the whole thing, at least watch the first two.

For me, it touched me spiritually and emotionally. But even if we share different religious views, I think you'll walk away with a different perspective on life and realize how nothing - absolutely NOTHING - is impossible.

In fact, let's take that word out of our vocabulary.

Let's banish the word "impossible".

Now, sit back. Relax. And prepare to be inspired!


Amy said…
So yesterday you make me laugh so hard I about peed my pants... and today, I sit here bawling like a baby. Thanks Leslie for sharing that. Inspired doesn't even begin to explain it. Love, Amy
Kelly said…
Maybe God has other plans for Noah...

That is the hard part isn't it. Accepting those other plans. I wrestle too to accept wholly, although ours isn't autism.


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