Works for Me Wednesday - Saving Money

I've never done a Works-For-Me Wednesday post before. Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer sponsors it each Wednesday, but I never remember to do it.

But today, my friends, is a different day. And I did something so cool and wanted to share it with all of you and then I remembered.... it's Wednesday! I can join the cool bloggers today and participate in What-Works-For-Me.


So, I don't know about you but we do most of our shopping online. While it's amazingly beautiful where I live, it's basically a shopping cesspool. There's just not a lot of shopping opportunities out here.

Well, today I was ordering a bunch of craft kits for our upcoming semester of pre-k Zoology and I was buying them off of Oriental Trading Company.... even though I swore I'd never buy from there again because the craft kits are always missing pieces and the foam smells so bad that Sim literally made me leave them all on the back porch to air out before he'd let me bring them inside... yada yada yada.

BUT, it is a good bang for your buck if you have a class full of 3 - 5 year olds to entertain for 14 weeks. And I do.

So Oriental Trading Company here I come.

Okay, the cool part is that I went to this little site called You can enter any store you want and it'll pull up ALL the coupon codes out there. It pulled up at least 10 for OTC, including one for TWENTY DOLLARS OFF.

I mean, I nearly hit send without checking first.... but I did and saved myself 20 smackaroos.

It's sooooo cool. So be sure to check it out before you order anything online. You might end up saving yourself a pretty penny.

Works for me!


Wani said…
Oriental Trading has cheap prices but you kind of get what you pay for most of the time. But I'm usually ok w/ that. I've really liked some of their scrapbooking stuff. I'll have to check out retailmenot! thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
What a great tip! I love sites like retailmenot!
Anonymous said…
Very cool! I'm going to check it out.
sandwichinwi said…
You can also get on OTC's email list and they send you CONSTANT coupons. I think I have a free shipping coupon in my inbox every other day!

I order a lot of my VBS stuff from there.

So tell us what you ordered!

sarah bess said…
wow, Leslie, I never heard of that site--where were you three days ago?
BethanyM said…
I haven't been to that particular coupon code site, but I do go on Google and type "Coupon Codes" into the search engine. I used several sites I found there to save money on Christmas shopping. I recommend this method also.
Cindy said…
Leslie - can you email me privately? I'm at
Kelly said…
Absolutely use the video from youtube on my blog. The more that post about it the more information gets out.
Kelly said…
The note you left on my blog made me think you had a tough week. Email if you want to vent -

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