Happy New Year

I hope you all had a great New Year. I trust it was better than ours.

Mother Nature decided to bless me with the most monstrous cramps ever, so I spent the better part of the evening curled up in fetal position on the couch shouting,

"Please God let it stop. Let me go through menopause. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase!!"

I'm quite certain Sim was wishing the same thing.

I'm sure he was thanking his lucky stars that he was blessed to spend his New Year's Eve watching his wife roll around in agony with a bottle of Aleve in one hand and the remote control in the other. I'm positive he wasn't wishing he was in London or Sydney or New York with a gorgeous blonde supermodel on his arm.

No. Not when he could spend it with me.

I am the picture of all that is beautiful and healthy.

Fortunately, though, the weekenders were in full force (we live on a lake) and they brought truck loads of fireworks with them to add some color and cheer to the evening. We were able to see them all from the sunporch. Well, actually, I just layed on the couch and craned my head - but the kids loved them. Made them feel like they were celebrating a holiday or something.

Finally, we declared an end to the festivities. It'd been a long and tiring evening. So we put the kids to bed at the late hour of 8:30pm and crawled into bed ourselves - me with a hot water bottle in tow for my kill-a-horse-cramps. We watched the movie "Waitress" and then decided to be rebellious and turn the lights off at 11:20.

Then we spent the next 3 hours silently cursing the weekenders who continued to light up the sky with their fireworks until 2:30 in the morning. The entire scene was repeated last night, too - and probably will do so until they return to their big houses in the city on Sunday night.

You get no sleep on New Year's and 4th of July if you live near a lake.

Let's see. The kids were up by 6:00 the next morning and helloo 2009. You look a lot like 2008. Sibling fighting. Laundry that seems to breed like rabid bunnies. And we've already had one overflowed toilet, a child who emptied 16 ounces worth of cod liver oil on the floor and rolled in it, one sick dog, 2 kids who peed in the bed, a husband who locked himself out of the house, $558 in car repairs, 3 dental appointments made for next week, a burnt supper, and laundry that mildewed in the washer because someone (that would be me) forgot to put it in the dryer.

News Alert. This just in. The kids have informed that the dog has thrown up on Nandi's bed.

Great. Just peachy.

Hmmmm.... you know it looks a lot like 2008.

So bring it on 2009. Let's see what you've got. I'm ready for ya.

Here's hoping that your New Year is puke, pee, and poop free.


sarah bess said…
Laughing! It sounds kind of like our New Year's Eve (and Day). OH boy. Wishing you a cramp-free 2009!
sandwichinwi said…
Nope, I've had a wet bed (well, not I...I mean, it wasn't MY bed. OK, fine! It was my 6 yo in his own bed!) already in 2009.

Here's wishing us all a puke, pee and poop-free year! (and cramps, too!)
Nikki said…
I am definitely going to do that- thank you! I did a search and found a place in my city where you can get it for free, so am going to go look over more of the information now. I will probably email you afterwards to hear more about your experiences with speech therapy after he gets evaluated! I would love to learn anything I can do to help him practice. And ideas of things I can pass on to his parents.

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