You voted for who???

One of my favorite people ever, Christine, wrote a blog post yesterday that I thought was really interesting. It was how she - as a Baptist preacher's wife in rural Oklahoma - voted for Barack Obama.

Pretty cool, read.

We held our own mock election through our homeschool group. Even Nandi got to participate - even though she is now a full-fledged public schooler.

Both Eli and Nandi voted for Obama. When I asked why, Eli told me because Barack Obama looks JUST like him and he's a pretty cool dude. In fact, when I told Eli that Obama DID win, he ran around the house shouting, "I won! I won!"

Nandi just liked saying his name. I think she liked the way it rolled off her tongue. (Free speech therapy!)

Noah, the little maverick, voted for John McCain. I asked him three times and he picked McCain each time. Personally, I think he's got a bit of crush on Sarah Palin. Although, I had my glasses on once and someone said I looked like Sarah Palin (??) so maybe he thought he was voting for Mommy.

There has to be some explanation.

Oh, just kidding.

I would have been able to see the good in either outcome. Both candidates had strong points. They really did.

And I'm not just saying that.

Anyway, I'm waiting for SNL to contact us to hire Eli out to do Obama impersonations. You know, because he looks JUST like him. lol.

Oh, Eli. You do make me laugh.


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