Trippin' Down Memory Lane

I have a terrible habit of thinking that I look younger than I am. You see, inside, I still feel like I'm 19 years old - but the face in the mirror? Well, she looks a lot older.

I will see people my age and think, "Wow. Is that what 35 looks like? Surely, I don't look like that?"

And Sim, being the sweet, wonderful liar that he is, always says, "No, you look a lot younger."

That's why we're still together.

I love that after all these years, he's still a compulsive liar who will flatter me with complete untruths..

Forget all that "I like a man with a sense of humor nonsense." I like a guy who tells me I look great even when I clearly don't.

Take note, guys. That'll get you right to the heart of a woman.

Anyway, last night we were watching Dancing With the Starts and Warren Sapp and his partner, Kym came on. Now, she's a really pretty girl. But I think she looks older than me.

In fact, she's 3 years younger.

And why this even matters in the grand scheme of life is completely unclear, but all I know is that last night at 8:24 pm, it clearly mattered to me.

So I ask Sim... "How old do you think she looks?"

Sim: "Uh, a LOT older than you."

Me: "She's three years younger than me. Can you believe it? Do I look that old?"

And just for a split second - right before he lied and said, "No, you still look like you're in your twenties", I saw a look of pure honesty in his face and it said, "Heck, yeah!"

I was crushed.

Mind you. He didn't actually say it, but I know that he was thinking that I'm a right old cow with wrinkles across her forehead and jowls that could rival a houndog's.

I am very good at reading between the lines.

And those lines... SUCKED! Just like the ones across my forehead.

So, I decided to do whatever I do when I get down and depressed. I cleaned.

Some of you may think if that's the case then I should be living in a house that's fresh and sparkly all the time. But if you've dropped by lately then you know it's simply not true.

But I set out cleaning and started with the closet. And do you know that I came across?

Pictures of when I was 20. Pictures of when I first met Sim. Really, cool pictures that took me down on a fun-lived trip down memory lane.

And you know what? I sure don't look 19 anymore. The pictures were proof.

I truly have turned into a 35 year old mother of three.

My eyes have started to sag. My neck is sagging. Shoot, I didn't even know boobs my size could sag, but apparently gravity doesn't play favorites.

I have aged. Sagged and aged.

I ran into an ex-boyfriend's mother a few years ago and she told me that even though she is now in her 60's, she still feels 21. And that she is still shocked when she looks in the mirror each morning and sees the face staring back at her.

You know what they say. You are only as old as you feel.

In that case, I should be dead.

But, no, really. It's all a state of mind isn't it?

So, the next time you see me and I have no make-up on, and the days events are etched on my face and you spot the gray that's appeared in my hair - just know that inside is a vivacious, young (and skinny) 19 year old who still loves to listen to The Cure and Pearl Jam and U2 and who slow dances with her 22 year old boyfriend (who is really her 37 year old husband) barefoot in the kitchen.

And feel free to lie to me anytime you want. :-) You'll become a favorite of mine.


Dreama said…
LOL!!! Kim on DWTS is younger than you?? Wow, I wouldn't have thought that! I've noticed people I've graduated with. They may still have the figure, things nipped and tucked but if you look close enough their skin tells a different story. Especially smokers, wow! They look twice as old!!
hydra12 said…
Just remember - I'm still older than you. Remember when we were younger, and people always thought you looked a lot younger than me? You still do. And no, I'm not lying to make you feel better. I'm your brother, so I don't have to :-)
Anonymous said…
You look great. I'm not just saying that. I sat by Melissa's sister and mother at her shower Saturday and we got to talking about our families. When we got to talking numbers her eyes widened in shock and then she said. "Wow, you look great to have had so many" I've heard that before and I'm not sure that is a compliment. I'm going to take it as such because when I catch a glance at me in the window of my car while pumping gas... I really can't believe what I see or that I left the house like that.
Who is that person?
Recovering Noah said…
Dreama - LOL. You know, as a preacher's wife, you can go to Hades for lying, right?

And, yeah, I'm so glad I never smoked - and got all those tattoos I wanted as a teenager. Whew!

(And I can't believe you've been married for 22 years. What? Where you TEN when you got hitched?)

Mark, you're ONE minute older than me. Puh-leeze. I don't think you look 35, either. I still see you as a geeky 12 year-old. Does that make you feel better? :-)

Melissa.. they were NOT lying. I think people assume that a woman who has 9 kids is going to look like a tired old elephant. And, honey, you do not! You look really good - and, I'm serious, I thought you were way younger than me. Maybe the secret to looking young is having a lot of kids that keep you young, ya know?
Anonymous said…
I think if I were ever to deflate (loose weight) I will probably be amazed at the wrinkles that start showing. Not much chance of that happening. I think my body misses the extra weight I carry while preggers and decided to just look like I am even when I'm not.
Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie,

First of all...Kym on DWTS is a liar. A leather-faced liar. If she is 3 years younger than we are, I will eat my hat. And I do not even like hats. Not even dipped in that weird chocolate stuff at Dairy Queen that makes a hard shell.

It may help you to know that when I stumbled upon your blog and saw your picture I thought, "Wow. She hasn't aged a bit". Knowing myself, I probably followed that up with a not-so-nice word that rhymes with "witch". For that I apologize.

Secondly...hi! Its me, Myia....remember, from high school. If you're at all like me, you've probably psychologically buried much of what happened and who you knew at good ol' MHS (my therapist calls this psychological burying of traumatic events a "coping mechanism") but hopefully my name rings a bell.

I linked to your blog through Kirsten's a few weeks ago. I should have sent an e-mail, right? Instead of being one of those weird stalkers who read blogs of people they know without ever identifying themselves. Those people are really weird. Come to think of it, I don't think I've emailed Kirsten to tell her I saw her blog. I should get on that.

Anyhoo...this posting prompted me to contact you. You look great, really you do. Not a day over 25. Seriously.

Besides, when you REALLY look at those younger pictures, you realize that we didn't look all that wonderful when we were 19. Don't glamorize the early 90's. The was big. The pants...who thought that tapered stonewashed denim was a good thing? The wait, I do miss flannel. Flannel was good. But all the other stuff was bad. We're way better now!

So if I could figure out how to email you, I would. To say "hey!" and tell you that you have a beautiful family...gorgeous kiddos. I'm happy to see that you're doing well.

Email me sometime, if you'd like. You'll find me at Yes, I realize that my email address is ridiculous and that pretending to be married to a rockstar at my age is somewhat pathetic. But I've had this email address for a very long time and change is difficult. Plus, I WOULD still like for Eddie Vedder to have my babies.

Have a great week!

PS...good on you for bringing back The Rachel!

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