Never fear...

I'm still here. Just taking a slight blogging break. We have a lot of things going on right now, so I haven't had much time to sit and type.

I promise to do some updates. Lots of first for Nandi... first day of school, first birthday as part of a family, first Halloween.. lots of cool things.

And lots of not so cool things, too. Eli is having a neuro-psych evaluation in two weeks. His clinical psychologist/behavioral therapist thinks he might be somewhere on the autism spectrum...


Never in a million years would I have thought that, but when you put it down on paper it certainly screams "Asperger's". And now we're paying for attention to it and it's like, "Wow. Wow!"

There are a lot of things we never noticed.

Anyway, that was a bit of a blow - although it doesn't change anything. He's still the same kid. It's just....hmmmmmmmmm.... never saw that one coming. So he's undergoing a neuro-psych evaluation in a few weeks. Honestly, I think it'll present more of a PDD-NOS with anxiety and sensory issues. He definitely has A LOT of autism spectrum symptoms (lining things up, highly intelligent but learning delayed, anxiety, issues in new situations, stimming, fear of change, frequent meltdowns, motor delays, obsessing over one topic, always changing the subject or course of play back to his topic of interest, not really playing with kids, but parallel playing)...but he's very social. Yeah, there is a huge mix of social awkwardness and social immaturity, but... I don't know. My experience with autism is solely based on Noah, so high-functioning autism or Asperger's... I don't know a thing about it.

So, I'm just taking a bit of a break to absorb everything.

That's it. I'll be back with pics of Nandi's Week of Firsts. And, usually when I say that I'm taking a blogging break, it means that I end up posting everyday for a month.

Oh, I'm a woman of contradictions.


Amy said…
Hey girl- thought of you all day today. Give your sweet kiddo's a hug and kiss from me. When are you guys coming over next??? (Hint/Hint) :0) Amy
Kelly said…

Thanks for commenting on our blog. We want to adopt a special needs child similar to our daughter, so I enjoy the adoption blogs - we are just waiting to see how the economy goes for us.

We have a hemi kids yahoo group that has some left hemi families - may offer ideas for you about what works. Look up RS_hemispherectomies. Most families find us because they have to decide on the surgery (left or right like my daughter) but all of us are very supportive, and some of them have blogs. If you go back to my page and look at Sarah's blog, she had a left hemi this summer, and I know another family who very much shares about their son Isaac. You can email me privately if you want

Don't lose hope for Noah, one little boy at my daughter's therapy was silent for YEARS, and then one week showed up at the therapy office talking a mile a minute. As a teacher I think about autistic students as having a long hallway of locked doors in their brain. Every now and then one cracks open, and its up to us to force our way through. Once that door is open it tends to stay open. When Abby was sick and getting worse everyday I couldn't believe I was looking forward to brain surgery. But I wanted her to be able to still her body and get better everyday instead of getting worse. After 3.5 years I still fight and hate the word disability. Denial, maybe, but I accept no limitation, and work everyday to move her forward. When you think about it we do that with all of our children - Noah can be moved forward too, you just have to watch carefully to see which door is presenting the crack.

Hang in there, I'll keep reading.

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