The only part of my body that runs is my nose..

After my Ode to Rachel Greene's Hair post the other day, some of you asked me to put up some pictures of my new 'do. Unfortunately, the last few days have not been about my hair at all - but rather my nose and the fact that I haven't been able to breathe out of it. Any pictures taken would have included wads of kleenex stuffed up both nostrils and a dazed drunken look from living on a liquid diet consisting solely of Ny-quil.

There are some similar pictures floating around from my college days, but, uhm, yeah... we won't go there.

Anyway, I am firmly placing the blame on public school. I don't know how you teachers do it. Ya'll are amazing. You must have immune systems made of steel.

You see, I had the privilege (???) of accompanying Nandini to her school's Thanksgiving lunch. Basically it was just a way for the school to rake in an extra $4.00. That's my theory. But I'm a sucker for a Hallmark card moment, so I plunked down my 4 bucks and entered into the school cafeteria at lunch time.

Also known as the depths of hell.


Preschoolers are just nasty beings, aren't they? I sat at a table full of kids blowing bubbles out their milk, making fart noises with their armpits, and wiping snot on their sleeves. If I'd had a can of Lysol, I'd have sprayed a protective net of fumes all around me.

All my knowledge of the evils of aerosol just seemed so trivial at that moment. Sorry, Al.

Instead, I got coughed on and sneezed on by a bunch of pint-sized germ spreaders. 4 year olds have no sense of manners do they? They'll just lean right into you and cough in your face.

That, plus the utter chaos of being contained in a cafeteria with 200 preschoolers made me want to pick Nandi up and burst through the school doors screaming, "My baby! My baby!" in my most dramatic Southern accent.

But I held on. And 20 minutes later I was back in the sunshine and headed to the car. I had no idea that those pesky little germs had already invaded my sinus cavities.

And the rest is history.

I am feeling a bit better. I still can't take a picture - unless you don't seeing mind the protective layer of vaseline that is spread all under my raw and irritated nostrils. The bad thing is that it's all shiny and you can't tell if my nose is running...

Very lovely. Winter is so good for me.

I did manage to take Nandi to her appointment at Scottish Rite Hospital, though, on Wednesday. I finally know where all the good looking doctors work in the Dallas area. Boy howdy. It was like walking onto the set of Grey's Anatomy.

Pediatric Orthopedics.

The requirement is that you not only have to be smart, but good looking as well.

I don't really remember what the 20 something year old resident told me about Nandi's legs because I was too busy staring at his hot mess of curly hair and listening to his Danish accent.


Well, actually, I'm not. But I do remember what he said...

Nandi DOES need heel-cord lengthening surgery but not for two more years. AND she does NOT need to wear her brace because it really won't help her. She's walking fine, even if she is so high up on her toes that she could be a ballerina. He said surgery is the only thing that might help so we'll just continue what we're doing and bring her back in 18 months for another eval.

So there ya go.

I need go now and pop another couple of Alleve and make a close date with my nasal spray. I'm going to attempt to make it to church tonight.



hydra12 said…
Hey, sis! I'm sorry you are sick. Your story about lunch brings back memories. When I worked at Poolville ISD, I had the privilege of doing lunch duty for kindergarten! My favorite memory is of 25-30 kids with their hand in the air saying, "Mr. Buckner! Mr. Buckner!" I also answered to Mrs. Buckner, Teacher, and occasionaly Mom (what can I say, not many men work at elementary schools!). Inevitably, they needed help opening their mustard packets or ketchup. Also inevitably, they had already tried to open it themselves. WITH. THEIR. TEETH! Yep, you got it. Do you know how hard it is to open a ketchup packet covered with kindergarten spit? Yuck!

Anyway, hang in there! I hope you feel better.
sarah bess said…
You are hilarious!
Hope you're well now.
Hey, I want to follow this blog. Are you planning to burn feed (like with
Bless you!

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