Sim's Take on Rick Springfield

Okay, I promise that this blog is not going to turn into an everyday discussion on Rick Springfield. However... I have to tell you something funny that's happened since I blogged the other day about my genuine shock that my childhood crush is 58 (turning 59 next month!) and is the exact same age as my dad.

Well. I had hundreds of hits to RecoveringNoah after I blogged about Rick Springfield. I mean, this little blog was hopping. So, I checked my stats and found out that they were all coming from Apparently, someone found my site and mentioned it on the Rick Springfield Message Board. Isn't that cool! I mean, what if Rick Springfield actually reads my blog post about him. Not that he probably reads all that stuff, but what if he did? Wouldn't that be cool?! And it would be absolutely fine because I only had good an wonderful things to say about him. Well, except that senior citizen remark. But, it was all in jest, Rick honey.

Anyway, I looked on the message board and found a whole thread about my post. It was so wild. If any of you from the Rick Springfield fansite are reading this... "Hi!" Ya'll seem like a bunch of cool and fun people.

Alright, so this is what cracked me up. I was out and about yesterday and called Sim to tell him that all these people from visited my blog and after a few minutes he said,

"Okay, what's that site again?"

I could hear him typing.


"No, that's not it. It's pulling up some other guy's site. How do you spell it?"

"SPRING FIELD. F-I-E-L-D." Wow, I never thought about his last name. Spring Field. How pretty.

"Okay, that's what I'm typing. But that's not his site."

"Honey, what else would it be? Of course that's his site."

"No it's not. It's some other guy's site."

"That's impossible. Did you type it right?"

"YES. I know how to spell."

"Then that's his site."

"I'm telling you. It's some other guy. There's no way this guy is 58 years old."


I knew at that exact moment that he WAS looking at the right site. And now he knows why I was so shocked the other day when Rick Springfield was on Oprah.

"Honey, that man that you're looking at right now on the computer... he is my dad's age. He and Dad are the EXACT same age. He is 58 years old. Now do you know why I was so stunned? Why it totally freaked me out? Why I still find it impossible to believe? Is there any way on earth that that man looks 58 years old?"

(Silence). I could practically hear him pondering...

"Wow, he's kind of good looking, isn't he?"

Uhm, ya think??!!

"I hope I look that good when I'm 58."


It feels so good to have your point proven. Doesn't it?


Anonymous said…
You pop-up in the Google Alrets that we all track Rick thru. With him back on GH and about to release one of his greatest cd EVER he's all over the place. It's up to us to keep track of him since he is so talented and BEAUTIFUL all wrapped up in one nice tall, dark and handsome package! :)
Anonymous said…
That's how I found this site too (through Google Alert for Rick) so I'm not surprised you got a bunch of hits. This one will probably end up on his message board too...haha. Don't forgot to pre-order his new CD "Venus In Overdrive" (shameless It should be in stores on Tuesday 7/29 and he'll be on a bunch of morning shows next week too :)
Recovering Noah said…
Ahhhh, okay. Thanks for letting me know! I had no idea about Google Alerts. I'm not the most computer savvy person. lol.

Anonymous said…
Hey! Yes, your Rick blog is on the message board. I'm the one that found your blog through Google Alerts and posted it on the board. Loved your humor with Rick! Come join the forum at's message board. We're a bunch of Rick lovers there. Share your love! And yes...Rick does not look his age!! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, what the hey, I'll share the love AGAIN. I don't comment on all the blogs RS crops up on, just the well-written ones that touch me in some way. You have a good funnybone and a gift for writing. And I was serious, as a wahm... I miss the watercooler too!

The RS fan lot is, for the most part, a big, loyal (occasionally dysfunctional) family. It's freakishly exciting when we see his name crop up and good things said. ;)

See, *my* dad is 61. So it's all good. Baha.
Anonymous said…
I got you thru the Google alerts too. It's easy to do you just set your alerts to any topic or person that you want to keep tabs on news-wise or thru blogs and you get them in your email. So you popped up in mine again with this post. I frequent his website also and the message's a fun and infromative place.

Get the CD, you won't be sorry!! :)
Anonymous said…
I too found this from the Rick site. I agree with you about Rick looking so good at 58. I've already apologized to my family ahead of time because his new
CD is out next week and I will have it palying for the remainder of the year. Haha.

How is Noah? My 7 year oold nephew has autism. Let me say that they are the most amazing children. I love watching him and how his eyes light up when he's thinking about somthing or has just figured something out. He amazes me everyday. I will be coming back to catch up with Noah's blog and I wish you all the best in his recovery.
Dreama said…
Leslie, This is great...maybe you could get free tickets to see him!! If so, don't forget about me!!! He's back on GH which I try to watch every day!! But don't tell anyone at church...they are praying for my deliverance from soaps, LOL!!!
Sooz said…
Yep, I found you through Google Alerts too, then I saw the message board thread. Congrats on all the hits! And speak up on the message board too, the more the merrier over there!
Anonymous said…
wow, leslie your famous! rick springfield is actually older than my dad...argh..

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